Who Owns ISIS? The Genie is out of the bottle!

Katherine Frisk – Since 2011 we have been told repeatedly that Assad must go! This mantra has been echoing in the British Houses of Parliament and in the US congress for four years.

A failed colour revolution, an “Arab Spring,” with snipers shooting at both protesters and police to incite violence, did not succeed in overthrowing the duly elected Assad government in spite of Assad being painted as Hitler and a murderer of his own people in the Murdoch propaganda media.

The aim of the overthrow of Assad is to create a Sunni caliphate incorporating Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia with a greater Israel extending from the Sinai across to the Euphrates river.

By the middle of 2013 the so-called rebel forces were by and large defeated by the Syrian Armed Forces and the staged chemical attack blamed on Assad turned out to be the handiwork of the rebels. “Moderate” by White House standards. Children abducted from their families and gassed to death is “moderate.” The demand for a no fly zone similar to the one imposed on Libya was vetoed by Russia. Syria was not bombed by NATO as a result.

Then out of no where, in flashy Toyota trucks, with a fully backed You Tube, Twitter and Internet presence accompanied by fake beheading videos using stage sets and blue screen, ISIS hit the headlines.

But who owns and controls ISIS?

Pepe Escober points out:

Daesh stolen oil can’t flow through Damascus-controlled territory. Can’t flow though Shiite-dominated Iraq. Can’t go east to Iran. It’s Turkey or nothing. Turkey is the easternmost arm of NATO. The US and NATO “support” Turkey. So a case can be made that the US and NATO ultimately support Daesh. What’s certain is that illegal Daesh oil and illegal KRG oil fit the same pattern; energy interests by the usual suspects playing a very long game. Continue reading

The Oil Mafia – Stolen Oil From Syria and Iraq Taken To Kurdistan, Turkey, and Israel

Afraa Dagher – The oil journey from Syria and Iraq to Turkey and then to the Zionist entity of Israel.

oilThe Islamic State in Syria and the Levant has been caught smuggling stolen oil to Turkey as its primary buyer. Oil tankers have been heading from Syria and Iraq to the Turkish city Zahko, which is located close to Sirnak province. Both are on the borders with Syria and Iraq.

Every oil convoy consists from 70 to 100 tankers. On the other side of the border, the oil smuggling mafias are waiting for these convoys and the oil they carry. Those mafias consist of merchants of Syrian, Kurdish, Iraqi, and Turkish as well as other nationalities, possibly even Iranian. All, however, maintain sympathies with terrorists.

The one who is directly responsible for the oil cargo provides it to the highest bidder and, in return, takes a part of the price in dollars. Some drivers receive the empty oil tankers and return back with it, while others who have an official license take the full tankers and transfer it into Turkey.

This information belongs to a source in the Iraqi interior ministry who refused to give his name.

After subjecting the stolen oil to a preliminary refining, it is brought in to Turkey as a waste product through Ebrahim Khalil crossing via a single gate. This is the border between Turkey and Iraq which is strongly held by Turkish troops, planes and checkpoints. No one can cross it without their knowledge and permission! Continue reading

Fear-Mongering at Fever Pitch

attacksStephen Lendman – The day before the November 13 Paris attacks, Obama told ABC News: ISIS is “contained. I don’t think they’re gaining strength.” Following the attacks, he warned of “live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak.”

Irresponsible US scoundrel media reports hype the threat of ISIS terrorists entering America from Mexico and Central America, calling US borders insecure. Other reports warn these elements already arrived, planning attacks in US cities, despite no corroborating evidence. Continue reading

Washington Bears Full Responsibility for Paris Attacks

ISISStephen Lendman – The roots of what happened last Friday go back to CIA-recruited Mujahideen fighters battling Afghanistan’s Soviet occupiers. Ronald Reagan called them “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers.”

They’re today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS and other US created terrorist groups. A generation ago, GHW Bush’s Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was involved in orchestrating multiple US premeditated Middle East wars to come – to redraw the region under Washington-controlled puppet regimes.

He believed America could use its military might anywhere in the region unimpeded. “(W)e’ve got about five to 10 years to clean out those old Soviet client regimes,” he said.

His doctrine left no ambiguity, stating: “Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union.”

“This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”

He laid the groundwork for US imperial wars to follow. The well-documented horrors throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia to this day need no elaboration.

A previous article said evidence known so far strongly indicates false flag responsibility for last Friday’s Paris attacks – a carefully planned, well orchestrated military operation, requiring expertise garden variety terrorists don’t have.

Most people ignore reality, become easy marks for media hype, proliferating state-sponsored propaganda – including daily New York Times misinformation and Big Lies, its latest claiming “US warplanes str(uck) ISIS oil trucks in Syria.” Continue reading

ISIS Explained – West Created Scam [Video]

David Icke – Who Are ISIS? or Who Are ISIL? or Who Are Islamic State? or Who Are IS? The Creation of ISIS to ISIS in Paris, France


Also see Jordan Maxwell On Paris Attacks, Friday 13th, The Knights Templar and More!

The False Flag Link: Syrian Passport “Found” Next To Suicide Bomber Was “Definitely A Forgery”

Tyler Durden – Yesterday, when we explained just how the tragic events in France over the past 48 hours unfolded precisely as we predicted they would two months ago (ironically, as per our post from September 11, 2015) we commented on the oddly fortuitous discovery of an intact Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers, a passport which Greece chimed in as belonging to a Syrian refugee who had entered the country at Leros on October 3, 2015 from where he subsequently travelled all the way to Paris. Continue reading