Federal Reserve under Yellen

YellenJames Hall – Now that the big bluff from the Federal Reserve that interest rates were poised to start their eventual rise has been played, when will the trigger actually be pulled? Assumptions that the Fed act as custodians of the national trust to balance and maintain the economic stability has been proven wrong time and again. Just how well has their efforts translated into the real economy of business activities that reflects positively for the average American? Obviously, if you are not a hedge fund speculator, your response will be guarded at best.

The International Business Times asks, As The Federal Reserve Holds Interest Rates, What Did We Learn About The Economy? “Observers took particular note of the Fed’s mention of “global economic and financial developments” in its highly scrutinized press release, a shift from previous statements.”

Federal Reserve trackers are eager to present their forecasts and parsing of future intents. One such interpretation comes from the Washington Post, The biggest economic decision of the year, explained.

“Yellen believes that the Fed can play an important role in helping the economy return to normal. She is a staunch supporter of the massive stimulus the Fed unleashed under Bernanke to help the country avoid another Great Depression. She is less worried about prices spiraling out of control and more worried about the number of people who are unemployed or underemployed. In the wonky world of Fed watchers, that makes her a “dove” — as opposed to a hawk who is more worried about inflation.

Yellen gave a speech in San Francisco in March in which she gave what at first seems to be a clear-cut statement: “With continued improvement in economic conditions, an increase in the target range for that rate may well be warranted later this year.” Continue reading

Fed Not Raising Interest Rates, CNN Big Loser in GOP Debate, GOP and DNC Fear Trump

ratesGreg Hunter – The Federal Reserve is not raising interest rates, but now there are hints by Fed Head Janet Yellen that it might consider negative interest rates if the economy gets bad enough. The economy is already bad, and the Fed decision to keep a key rate near 0% says it all. I have been telling you for a couple of years that there is no real recovery on Main Street. The only real recovery is on Wall Street. Data point after data point shows the economy is not good. This is why the Fed is not raising interest rates.

I wonder if the stories out this week in the mainstream media were nothing more than a huge psychological operation, or PSYOP. There were stories all over the place saying that a rate hike would “Not Likely Spook the Economy,” or an interest rate hike would be a “good thing.”


Obviously, no rate hike is a much better thing, and now the Fed is hinting at negative interest rates if the economy gets bad enough. By the way, Gregory Mannarino of TradersChoice.net brought up the possibility of the Fed going to negative interest rates months ago. Mannarino also says the Fed decision NOT to raise rates shows that all is not well in the economy, and if the economy would be getting better, the Fed “would not need to continue emergency monetary policy of 0% rates.” He also says, “At some point, the dose becomes toxic and turns to poison and kills the patient.” He’s talking about the 80 months and counting of 0% interest rates, and remember, rates could be forced to go negative in the future. Continue reading

Seeds Of America’s Destruction Sown In The Civil War Are Now Trees In Need Of An Axe

WIFLI  October 6 – 12 2013

The American Federal bureaucracy has been captured since the days of Abe Lincoln. America ceased to be a republic under control of 3 separate and equal branches of federal government. Instead, events were precipitated that resulted in the exaltation of the Executive Branch above the Legislative and Judicial branches. “Lincoln’s deification led to the deification of the presidency in general, and to the federal government as well.“https://shiftfrequency.com/thomas-dilorenzo-the-man-who-predicted-in-1899-what-america-would-become/

The deification of the Presidency was required so that the Hidden Hand manipulating American policy could enforce these manipulations via executive orders. But that proved insufficient. So gradually inroads had to be made into the other two branches. This was successfully achieved through corporate lobbyist bribes (aka PAC money) paid to Congressional representatives and senators, who in turn passed laws that advanced the goals of globalists even when these clearly opposed the wishes of American constituents and ran counter to their governing document, the US Constitution.

This contemptuous disregard of the will of the people has now reached such an extreme that “amid the government shutdown, 60% of Americans say the Democratic and Republicans parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is needed. That is the highest Gallup has measured in the 10-year history of this question. A new low of 26% believe the two major parties adequately represent Americans.” https://shiftfrequency.com/60-of-americans-want-a-third-party-candidate-for-2016/

Financial Certainties

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