Seeds Of America’s Destruction Sown In The Civil War Are Now Trees In Need Of An Axe

WIFLI  October 6 – 12 2013

The American Federal bureaucracy has been captured since the days of Abe Lincoln. America ceased to be a republic under control of 3 separate and equal branches of federal government. Instead, events were precipitated that resulted in the exaltation of the Executive Branch above the Legislative and Judicial branches. “Lincoln’s deification led to the deification of the presidency in general, and to the federal government as well.“

The deification of the Presidency was required so that the Hidden Hand manipulating American policy could enforce these manipulations via executive orders. But that proved insufficient. So gradually inroads had to be made into the other two branches. This was successfully achieved through corporate lobbyist bribes (aka PAC money) paid to Congressional representatives and senators, who in turn passed laws that advanced the goals of globalists even when these clearly opposed the wishes of American constituents and ran counter to their governing document, the US Constitution.

This contemptuous disregard of the will of the people has now reached such an extreme that “amid the government shutdown, 60% of Americans say the Democratic and Republicans parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is needed. That is the highest Gallup has measured in the 10-year history of this question. A new low of 26% believe the two major parties adequately represent Americans.”

Financial Certainties

Banksters control much more than financial markets. “They’re more powerful than standing armies. What they say goes. They decide policy. They rule the world. They do it by controlling money, credit and debt. They manipulate markets for self-enrichment. Grand theft is official Wall Street policy. Government officials wink, nod, and permit the grandest of grand larceny to persist. . . .  Institutionalized inequality reflects it.  America is more hypocrisy than democracy. It’s a kleptocracy.”

The federal kleptocracy is carefully nurtured by a banking establishment whose crime bosses are, according to the US Attorney General, too big to fail or jail.  And, truth be told, banksters do enjoy a greater advantage than all other criminal enterprises (except counterfeiters) due to their ability to manufacture fiat-dollars out of thin air. This means it actually costs them nothing to maintain their 2-party stranglehold on legislators.

This magical power to create debt and suck the life quite literally out of nations must be preserved at all costs. So it should surprise no one that even when the ponzi scheme’s chairmanship is vacated the policies of the Federal Reserve remain the same.  “. . . [U]nder Yellen, the Federal Reserve will continue the process of destroying the once vaunted U.S. dollar through inflation, a process we are assured will create jobs in a country where millions of jobs over the last couple decades have been off-shored to slave labor gulags in Asia. Destroying the dollar and ushering in a new globalist economic regime is a long-term process. Since its inception in the dead of night at Christmas in 1913, the Federal Reserve has been directly responsible for the U.S. dollar losing 97% of its value. Remarkably, the Fed likes to say its job is “price stability,” or protecting the dollar. It has done the exact opposite and will continue to do so under Yellen.”

Since 1919 one percent of America’s wealth has been stolen every year by the privately-owned Federal Reserve.  That’s no longer enough. Now it’s the country’s entire wealth via quantitative easing, bailouts and bail-ins. “Quantitative Easing today is simply racking that theft into catastrophic public debt, inflating the currency by printing fiat paper money… for the stolen money must be repaid!”  (Take a guess by whom.)

All is not lost, however.  This is because it has proved easier to eviscerate the US Constitution through legislative and judicial means than it has been to enforce this evisceration.  As freedoms erode a new awareness of lost freedoms is beginning to emerge within increasing numbers of disenfranchised individuals.  Grassroots organizations are forming. Individuals are taking on increased responsibility to register objections against the status quo.  The Cabal’s cakewalk to global domination now encounters rotten eggs in the form of an alternative media that is using the Controllers’ own tools to unseat them.  It is a race between people power and money power. Who will win? Though in this moment the outcome is entirely too close to call the fact remains this is a “must win” for humanity.

© 2013 Gillian Grannum

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