Reason Dems Are Terrified of A.G. William Barr

BarrLiberty Planet – Impartial and conservative news reports warned Democrats who called for a Russian meddling investigation targeting Pres. Donald J. Trump — “be careful what you wish for.”

Democrats now find themselves frantic that the president has been exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. But far worse than watching President Donald Trump smile, tweet and enjoy robust approval ratings, now they are faced with the unexpected appointment of U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

The career prosecutor, who also led the Justice Department under President George H.W. Bush, is a no-nonsense civil servant willing to prosecute anyone who breaks the law. Yes, the keyword here is “anyone,” and that has Washington liberals losing sleep. These are three reasons Democrats are terrified of what A.G. Barr will do next. Continue reading