Paul Craig Roberts ~ Washington Is Humanity’s Worst Enemy

PaulCraigRoberts  April 13 2014

PaulCraigRobertsHow does Washington get away with the claim that the country it rules is a democracy and has freedom? This absurd claim ranks as one of the most unsubstantiated claims in history.

There is no democracy whatsoever. Voting is a mask for rule by a few powerful interest groups. In two 21st century rulings (Citizens United and McCutcheon), the US Supreme Court has ruled that the purchase of the US government by private interest groups is merely the exercise of free speech. These rulings allow powerful corporate and financial interests to use their money-power to elect a government that serves their interests at the expense of the general welfare.

The control private interests exercise over the government is so complete that private interests have immunity to prosecution for crimes. At his retirement party on March 27, Securities and Exchange Commission prosecutor James Kidney stated that his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other “banks too big to fail” were blocked by superiors who “were focused on getting high-paying jobs after their government service.” The SEC’s top brass, Kidney said, did not “believe in afflicting the comfortable and powerful.” In his report on Kidney’s retirement speech, Eric Zuesse points out that the Obama regime released false statistics in order to claim prosecutions that did not take place in order to convince a gullible public that Wall Street crooks were being punished.

Democracy and freedom require an independent and aggressive media, an independent and aggressive judiciary, and an independent and aggressive Congress. The United States has none of the above.

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Confronting Cognitive Dissonance – The Eyeopener [Video]

corbettreport  March 25 2014

Are you irate, irritable and irrational when presented with evidence that goes against your preconceived notions of how the world operates? Looking for a solution to your stress? Join us this week on The Eyeopener as we examine the theory of cognitive dissonance and how it stops people from confronting the uncomfortable truths about the way the world really works.


Transcript & Sources:

James Corbett ~ 100 Years Of War Lies Debunked [Video]

corbettreport  March 13 2014

When Secretary of State John Kerry made his now infamous statement about Russia’s actions in Ukraine, the hypocrisy was immediately apparent to all but the most clueless of viewers. But perhaps Kerry wasn’t so wrong to expect the public to let him get away with such a transparently hypocritical statement. After all, the public have always been happy to go along with every pretext for war presented to them for decade after decade.


Bill Holter ~ The Grand Game Of Chess

MilesFranklin  November 5 2013 (Thanks, Kevin)

Barack ObamaTwo months ago Vladimir Putin played a game of chess that cooled the tempers from rising toward a global world war.  The U.S. believed the game to be checkers which would be over after a double or triple jump.  Fortunately President Obama decided that the board was set up with strange looking pieces and decided not to play the game.  It looks however like Mr. Putin never stopped playing

Sec. of State Kerry visited both Egypt and Saudi Arabia over the weekend, he made almost no statement afterwards nor was there any sort of public communique.  Sometimes “no news is good news” but not in this case.  No statement means that no deal was struck nor was any wounds healed.  Instead, in the background while Mr. Kerry was trying to smooth over diplomatic divides, Russia was negotiating a deal with Egypt to use and construct a naval port in the Suez Canal region.

This is important why you ask?  First off, Russia was “thrown out” of Egypt back in 1972 so any deal now would be a reversal of their eviction.  A port in the canal area will give them a stronghold over shipping.  It would also show not only a “thaw” in relations but a genuine warming.  This should not come as a surprise as the U.S. who once always did what we said, now cannot be counted on to either do or not do as we say.  As I have said before, “trust” is the most important aspect when business is conducted and is exactly what we have been undermining willfully or not.

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The Naked Emperor And The Rise Of Truth

ZenGardner September 11 2013

I have to admit it is fun watching Obama and the dark empire’s credibility topple in front of the whole world. They’ve exposed their peace masquerading warmongering and have now been checkmated by the global community thanks to the Russians being such adept strategists. This is a very prescient time in history as the world’s collective voice is crying out with awareness at every level.

Just beautiful.

With awareness comes insight, power and conviction. These all grow exponentially and bleed into new areas of consciousness. It’s a chain reaction and now hitting critical mass as we’ve said all along. We will see this growing continually.

The Powers That Want To Be will continue to attempt to rage against the Light but the darkness cannot touch the Light – it only dissipates in the face and presence of Truth. That’s why lies and deceptive mental subjugation is their game.

That the exposure of these shallow freaks only gets more intense is an absolute thrill. Look at this fake Syrian “authority” shill getting exposed that’s rocking the establishment:

The Syria researcher whose Wall Street Journal op-ed piece was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings about the use of force has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for lying about having a Ph.D., the group announced on Wednesday. Source

Reminds me of the Kuwaiti girl caught for lying about the incubator baby deaths. Doesn’t matter, they get their initial reaction and run with it.
You wonder why we’re all so mad?

Lies backfire. Eventually. Continue reading