Trump Lightning Rod of Division Sent by God [Video]

CahnGreg Hunter – Four time, best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says President Trump was put into power by divine intervention. This has happened many times before according to the Bible. Cahn contends, “Trump is following this pattern where a nation, as in ancient Israel, was about to really fall and falling away from God, he raises up an unlikely figure who is providing a window of time and holding back the flood. Trump is that person.

It’s not about Trump . . . but he is now holding back, his Presidency is a window of time right now. At the same time, if he doesn’t get re-elected and Democrats get in it’s a whole different ball game. Then that wall is going to come down and there is going to be a flood.

In the time of the Trump presidency, we are watching a continual apostasy, a continual move away from God in every possible way. So, we are at a time of great polarization. The country is very divided, and Trump is a lightning rod of that division. One side will do anything they can do to get him out, and the other side is praying that he stays in.” Continue reading