NYT calls for online trolls to sabotage Breitbart.com’s revenues

subversionMike Adams – The journo-terrorists are hard at work at the NYT, where the discredited “fake news” publisher is now openly calling for online trolls to sabotage Breitbart.com’s revenues in order to shut down the site.

“One article, ‘How to Destroy the Business Model of Breitbart and Fake News’ … celebrates the flagging effort of anonymous Twitter trolls who have tried to target and intimidate companies whose ads appear alongside Breitbart News articles, via third party platforms,” reports Breitbart.com:

These would-be censors of the totalitarian left have decided that since they cannot defeat conservative views and arguments on the merits, they would prefer to eliminate them. The article includes instructions on how to join the anti-Breitbart effort, copied verbatim — “Step 1… Step 2…” — from the anonymous activists’ Twitter page.

Economic sabotage a primary tool of destruction used by the communist-Marxist left

The economic sabotage now being invoked against Breitbart.com by The New York Times is just one of many communist-style tactics being used to desperately attempt to silence anti-establishment voices in the independent media. The journo-terrorism organization is also aiding communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist plans for Inauguration Day mayhem, reports The New American:

The WWP is a small, hardcore communist party that has gained enormous influence over the past two decades by creating front group coalitions that exploit hot-button issues guaranteed to rile up the most combustible Clinton-Obama Democrats: open borders, LGBTQ issues, anti-war, “racial injustice,” anti-police, “social justice,” global warming, etc. Continue reading