Coca-Cola’s ‘Simply Orange’ Juice Is Just Not That Simple. Have A Look At This…

You’d think with a name like “Simple Orange” that a product would be natural, healthy, and well, simple. Coca-Cola’s Simple Orange is anything but simple.

juiceIn fact, Bloomberg Business week is calling it a “hyper-engineered and dauntingly industrial product.” While the name implies that the product is nothing but orange juice, it is actually created by a process called The Black Book. That doesn’t sound simple at all…

Juice production is a process that is full of variables including, most importantly, a very short 3 month growing season. This is why the Black Book method is used, to create a consistent juice product throughout the year. Basically, Black Book is an algorithm that includes consumer data combined with the 600 flavors of an orange. This data is used to create a profile for acidity, sweetness, etc. so that they can magically blend orange juices together to make a consistent product. Black Book also contains weather patterns, crop yields, and cost pressures. Way far from simple…

What about the juice itself? That starts when Coca-Cola’s Brazilian partner, Cutrale, processes the oranges that are grown to a certain specification based on type, acidity, and sweetness. Satellite imagery is used to tell when to pick the oranges, all fueled by Black Book data. The fresh squeezed juice is then stored in Cutrales’s silos, and transported to a Coca-Cola packaging plant via 1.2 mile underground pipeline. Once in the Coca-Cola plant, the juice is flash pasteurized and stored in a process where all of the oxygen is removed to prevent spoiling. The final step is a blanket of nitrogen gas. Again, nothing about this is simple… Continue reading

Tess Pennington ~ Juice For A Natural Energy Boost

ReadyNutrition  April 29 2014

GreenDropDrinkHealthI constantly struggle with having enough energy to get everything done. Instead of loading myself up with coffee all day, I am taking a healthier approach and started giving my body what it really needs – natural vitamins and nutrients.

Juicing is a great way to add essential nutrients to the body and in return, I get a much needed boost of energy. My kids have lovingly dubbed this juice the “Green Drop Drink” after one of their favorite movies. If you don’t have any kale or spinach, you can add the remaining ingredients and make a delicious yellow version of this beverage.

Go for the organic fruits and vegetables when juicing as it helps your body detoxify more efficiently. As well, this is a great juice to help detox from the holidays or from heavy metals and environment pollutants, and also gives you an added energy boost thanks to the ginger. Here are some other ways your health benefits from this juice: Continue reading

Healing Juices For Vibrant Health

Stuart Wilde April 3 2013

JuiceJuiced foods are far easy to assimilate because all fibre and solids are removed and therefore the body doesn’t have to divert energy to digest it. Properly juiced foods are more bio-available making it far easier on your system to gain maximum benefit in metabolising.

Vegetable juicing has a powerful alkalizing effect to the system. It is important to drink it on an empty stomach so that it’s not ‘fighting’ with other foods and the nutrients are easily absorbed. Green juices are high in chlorophyll, rejuvenate the skin, help open the door to longevity and the life force energy.

Dr. Norman W. Walker, the “father” of juicing, says carrot juice tops the list of the very best things a person can drink, and he says to drink lots of it. He also says its good to drink the following:

Alfalfa juice has immense value, in the form of a juice. These elements are all very much needed for the function of various organs in the body. The juice of alfalfa is too strong & potent to be taken by itself. Its best taken with carrot juice. It has been found very helpful in most troubles with arteries and disfunction’s connected with the heart and is most useful in the relief of respiratory troubles, particularly in the lungs. Just one pint of carrot, alfalfa & lettuce juice daily, will help the growth of hair to a remarkable extent.

Carrot juice – raw carrot juice may be taken indefinitely in any reasonable quantities – from 1 to 8 pints a day. It has the effect of helping to normalize the entire system. It is the richest source of Vitamin A, valuable in the improvement and maintenance of the bone structure of the teeth.

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