What is Dry Eye?

What is Dry Eye?If you find yourself with eyes that are red, blurry, gritty, sore, itchy, watery, or sensitive, it usually comes down to fatigue or tiredness. However, with one in every four people that are affected, it could also be because of dry eyes, referred to as dry eyes syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. However, it’s worth noting that other conditions may cause these symptoms. So it’s always recommended to consult with an ophthalmologist.

Tears are generally composed of oil, mucus, and water. Dry eyes happen if there’s a chemical imbalance and the eyes cannot generate enough tears. It can also occur if the tears evaporate fast. While it doesn’t cause blindness, the syndrome can result in some damage or blurry vision. There’s been an increase in the condition since the global pandemic happened because people have been using them differently, typically glued in front of screens for leisure and work. Continue reading

Bed Time Stories For The Permanently Perplexed

Feedthemoon’s Blog | December 18 2012

Barack ObamaFor those who have placed their faith in the machine – these are trying times.

The narrative is fracturing and splintering: the world seems unfathomable and random, brutal and bafflingly just plain wrong – and it is wrong of course, but for these people it is best not to question why it is wrong, best not to even attempt to lay the blame at the door of those whose task it is to supposedly serve us, to govern our affairs.

And weirdly, these same people who bemoan the state of the world do not wish to seek answers as to why exactly everything seems to be so consistently falling apart.

Quite simply, the people who resolutely trust in -and thus enable- the machine, well, they are being traumatised – and ironically, they still keep looking to their positioned leaders to guide their emotions – despite the fact that their leaders are quite obviously emotionless self-serving beings.

Witness Obama’s amazing tearless crying in response to the latest (possibly programmed) massacre. Not a dry eye in the house: apart from President Obama’s resolutely dry-eyes obviously; for this is what the ‘believers’ refuse to see – that the men and women of power can only ape the basic human emotions of empathy. It plays well with the public; it helps their political standing that is the bottom-line. -Nothing else.

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