What is Dry Eye?

What is Dry Eye?If you find yourself with eyes that are red, blurry, gritty, sore, itchy, watery, or sensitive, it usually comes down to fatigue or tiredness. However, with one in every four people that are affected, it could also be because of dry eyes, referred to as dry eyes syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. However, it’s worth noting that other conditions may cause these symptoms. So it’s always recommended to consult with an ophthalmologist.

Tears are generally composed of oil, mucus, and water. Dry eyes happen if there’s a chemical imbalance and the eyes cannot generate enough tears. It can also occur if the tears evaporate fast. While it doesn’t cause blindness, the syndrome can result in some damage or blurry vision. There’s been an increase in the condition since the global pandemic happened because people have been using them differently, typically glued in front of screens for leisure and work.

While dry eyes syndrome is treatable, each case will usually have different treatment options, which may include the use of itchy eyes solution. This is because there is a multitude of different causes for it. So it’s all about finding the option that works best. But no matter the situation, a preventative measure is the 20-20-20 rule, meaning that every twenty minutes, you take a twenty-second break and try to focus on something that’s twenty feet from you. So with that said, here are some causes of dry eyes.

Ageing, cold weather, and hormones

This group refers to the causes of marginal dry eyes. There are studies showing women who use contraception during menopause and menstruation are at a greater risk of developing the condition due to fluctuating hormones. The syndrome is also more common in those over fifty since the glands that produce tears usually become ineffective with age, spreading weakly across the eyes and losing their ability to cling to the surface of the eyes.

That isn’t to say younger people can’t experience it. Dry eyes usually happen during the winter and autumn seasons when cold, dry winds make the eyes water. Fortunately, with lipid or oily drops and sprays, you can prevent them from happening.

Medical conditions, treatments, and medications

Generally classified as full dry eyes syndrome, this group usually includes those who have existing medical conditions like Bell’s palsy, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjögren’s syndrome, to name a few. It means that most over-the-counter medications won’t be able to alleviate the symptoms. In these cases, it’s a rule of thumb to consult a healthcare professional for prescription medication. You might need drugs to help stimulate, improve, and increase your tears’ make-up.

Screen exposure

One of the reasons why dry eyes have become more common today than it ever has been in the past is screen exposure. Many of us spend a considerable amount of time in front of our computers or mobile devices, which can cause dry eyes or eyelashes and skin clogging tear ducts and trapping allergens and irritants.


Having dry eyes is a more serious problem than some might give it credit for, as it can impair your vision and increase the risk of infections and eye damage. So make sure you have your eyes checked if you start having the symptoms mentioned above so you can get it treated immediately.

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