News from an impartial observer

trumpJames Gilliland – The Caravan headed to America is financed by Venezuela and supported by Pueblo de Santarios, a Honduras Left wing group. Yet where did Venezuela (an impoverished country) get the money?

These are people living in poverty, women and children being placed in front and used as a tool to take down America.

Literally, millions of dollars are being doled out with the false promise of an open door to America. This would create such a burden it would destroy the already over taxed fragile infrastructure of border states.

ISIS and Terrorist Infiltration

What is not being addressed is the Honduran government arrested over 100 ISIS members. ISIS and MS13 are throughout the caravan. Go to the center of the caravan and investigate. Some are actually wearing Hate Trump T-shirts calling him the anti-Christ. Yet they want his administration to grant them entry?

Common sense dictates a large majority of the caravan are depending on forced entry so as not to be vetted. Continue reading