Laura Bruno ~ The Bankers Manifesto of 1892

Laura Bruno’s Blog | April 21 2012

Charles LindberghI discovered this little gem by following a link from Freedom Reigns County Project to an example of a County Relocalization Project in Ohio. Their site quotes from something called The Bankers Manifesto of 1892, which seems to be playing out like clockwork again, especially with the “housing crisis” and the bogus 2-party political system:

“People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

“The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.

“By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete actions, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished.”

The quoted portions jumped out at me enough to see if I could find the full Bankers Manifesto of 1892, and I found it here. Thanks to Federal Observer Articles for posting the following in its entirety. I report it here in hopes of shining a little more light for those people still convinced that knee-jerk Democrat or Republican support will somehow resolve the money issues tearing apart our country and our lives. The bankers’ choice really comes down to one option: “Obamney.” It’s not unlike Matrix movie viewers convinced they’re so smart by choosing “the red pill” over “the blue pill,” not even considering that they could opt for no pill, a purple pill, or something completely outside the pillbox! Opening your eyes to reality doesn’t need to look tragic, and there are far more diverse options in this world than “Zion.”

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