How To Know What You Want

Zen-Haven February 18 2013

– Before you ask for it.

There are a lot of bids out there, more or less new age, more or less sober that sort of bends the law of attraction into a washed out cliché of a non-working law.

In order to attract or manifest what we want in this life, I think a very good strategy is: Knowing what we really want in order to manifest it.

Some folks say: We may not get what we want but what we need, in order to dodge a very clear principle:

We are the source code to this.

What you want, you have to design, and you have got to tell the universe, or the universe can’t manifest for you. I very much subscribe to the idea that the Universe will provide, but: With no action there will be no Reaction.

If you are not clear about what you need, and a lot of people are not at the present or too locked in, the universe will go: “ Ahh, you like to be confused or miserable” it will support that. And that’s both gift and a bugger.

If the state is: “I am on the move and I have a clear vision of where I’m heading and what I need” the Universe will enforce that.

That should be a very good argument to dodge the: “The Universe will provide and I really don’t have to do nothing. I´ll just wait”, – new age cliché.

A better strategy could be: “I will make a move forward which is in line with the blueprint of what I would like to manifest and then I will focus on the big picture and leave the details to the Universe”.

I actually see these mechanics at work with the people I engage with and I am more and more convinced that: If there’s no action – there will be no reaction.

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The 5 Steps To Manifesting Financial Abundance

abundanceJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – The Universe wants you to be financially abundant and is always supporting you in making this a reality. So it really doesn’t matter what the economy is doing, or how long you’ve been struggling financially, it’s more about the vibration you’re sending out into the world today! Financial abundance is your birthright! It’s time for you to claim your abundant nature and start manifesting the financial abundance you truly deserve. Here are 5 easy steps that will support you in manifesting much abundance into your life:

1. Fully Acknowledge, Accept, and Embrace Your Abundant Nature.

The secret to feeling your abundant nature is to open your heart, and fully embrace the abundance that has already blessed your life. Let your armor melt away. Remove any shielding around your heart and imagine throwing it into a big fire. Breathe deeply and physically open your arms wide, inviting this abundant Universe into your heart. With each in-breath, imagine that EVERYTHING in the entire Universe is pouring into your heart; all the stars, planets, Earth, and all its people. Feel how truly abundant life already is. Let your heart welcome it all!

“It is not only my right and my privilege to walk in the abundance God has for me, it is my responsibility…just as it is my responsibility to live the rest of my truth.” ~ Jan Denise

2. Welcome with Gratitude the Abundance that is all Around You.

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Never Worry About What To Do, Simply Decide How To Be

Inspire Me Today | October 7 2012

You do not have free will. I’m sorry if I’m the first to break that to you.

What you have is total freedom to choose how you will follow the laws of the universe. If you try to change or break or ignore the laws you will struggle and suffer. That’s not a threat. It isn’t divine retribution.

Let’s look at it another way.

You can cook toast in your toaster. But should you decide to boil water in your toaster, or worse, that you are going to try to keep the electricity coming down the cables at bay with your fingers, I assure you, you’re going to suffer. The electricity isn’t vengeful. It’s just electricity. You just don’t have that kind of power or free will. But you do have the resourcefulness to invent a better kind of toaster if you want to.

See what I mean?

Now, that’s electricity, but what about the law of attraction? The one that says, “Ask and it is given”?

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Thoughts – Spirit Science 1 [Video]

TheSpiritScience | January 20 2012 | Thanks, Marie

Website: Spirit Science

Spirit Science writes ~ I revised a little bit at the end for all you lovely and amazing people. You can have, do, or be, anything you want. This week, Patchman dives into the unknown by discussing a very simple topic – Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you. Or rather, how you can empower yourself to live in the moment by controlling your thoughts and emotions, and guiding yourself the way that you want to be guided, rather than allowing modern society to tell you how to feel and what to think.

Just as you create your own reality, we are also co-creating our realities together. We are a collective! As a community, a city, a country, and a species, we decide where we want to go and how we want to flow. It is up to us to decide what happens next in the epic tale that is the human race, but change has to start at an individual level.

Also view this short video from Abraham Hicks ~ What is preferred