Beyond The Law Of Attraction

gateFrank M. Wanderer Ph.D – Is there an universal law, the Law of Attraction, which says that everybody has the ability to attract things with his thoughts and intentions. According to this, if our thoughts are negative, we will attract bad things, and if our thoughts are positive, we will attract good things. The question may arise – is this law truly universal? What could be beyond the Law of Attraction?

The Promise of the Master Key

This passage is from the brochure of Law of Attraction course:

“For everybody who wants to do something about improving his/her life, the best news is that it is possible to achieve what he/she really wants at any time. The choice is solely up to us. Anybody is able to do it by learning and practising the appropriate method. I would like you to imagine a large iron gate. It is a heavy gate, difficult to open. It keeps you where you do not want to be at all. It seems, however, that one day the gate will open up, and when it happens, you may experience freedom that you have so far been able to read only. In your dreams you live where you want to be, you can empty the goblet of joys to the bottom, you may draw the income that you believe you honestly deserve, that is, you can live the way you would like to!

The course offers you a chance; let us open that gate together, and once we have done that, a new world, full of possibilities and promises will open up for you. You will receive an answer to your question why so far you have not lived in the wealth you know so well that you deserve.”

Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. All this lies there hidden behind the powerful iron gate that is towering in front of us. But now we are given the master key, with which we achieve all our goals, because we will be able to open the iron gate. By the masterful use of the law of attraction we will be able to achieve everything that we have been longing for so far, everything we desire will be lying at our feet. Continue reading

The Universe And The Law Of Attraction

Vicky Anderson ~ Around the turn of the 20th century, a spiritual movement called the New Thought philosophy developed as the result of Orthodox Christianity, Unitarian Sensation-alism and Trans­cendentalism. This philo-sophy promotes the Law of Mind in emphasis of the fact that Divinity dwells within each of us. One of the early ‘thinkers’ of this philosophy was William W. Atkinson who, in 1906, wrote a book titled Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. The premise behind his teachings is that what we focus on develops into our reality.[i]

The spiritual key to the Bible is the knowledge that the entire outer world… is amenable to the energy of our Thoughts. Emmet Fox

frequenciesDr. Joshua David Stone, Ph.D, was a late-twentieth century Jewish Psychologist and the author of numerous works on Spiritual Psychology and Integrated Ascension, a term he coined to stress the importance of mastering and integrating the mind and emotions with the spiritual path. In his book, titled The Universal Laws of God, he wrote about how we are all electro-magnetic beings. So our sub-conscious mind is always attracting and magnetizing vibrational frequencies. Like everything else in the Universe, thought waves have their own unique frequency. And, once a thought is accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the sub-conscious like a computer, which then attracts and magnetizes it. Our thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. And it is our aura that acts as an antenna to attract them. So we are unconsciously broadcasting frequencies that are picking up similar frequencies from everyone and everything around us. We are literally attracting vibrational frequencies back to ourselves like a magnet. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction.[ii] Continue reading

How Materialism Poses As Mysticism And Limits Consciousness

“Those who believe they can manifest all their desires through positive thinking and believing in the outcome don’t seem to be aware that the more you chase after your cravings, the more you tighten the net of your own enslavement, when you could be using life to break free of these limitations.” M Butler


The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy facade there’s often an agenda pushing egocentrism and greed in metaphysical garb, which limits consciousness and subverts spirituality for shallow materialistic ends.

Many spiritual traditions have arisen throughout history and although they have their differences, a common recurring principle is that greed and spirituality don’t mix. Renowned spiritual teachers like Jesus or Buddha did not promote greed in their teachings or lifestyle – quite the opposite: they showed that greed and egocentrism had to be overcome.

Greed has been seen in many spiritual traditions as an obstacle or trap that prevents us from understanding and fulfilling a higher purpose to life. Because it makes us selfish and obsessed with transient things, it has long been taught that renouncing selfish desires, and selflessly helping others to do the same, is necessary to attain salvation or liberation.

But this principle is increasingly turned on its head in the world of commercial spirituality. Some want to have it both ways – a spiritual or metaphysical pursuit in their lives and all their material desires fulfilled – and those selling this message (and the corporations behind them) can make a lot of money out of pushing this false promise. But at what price?

The Marketplace of Spiritual Ideas

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The 5 Steps To Manifesting Any Intention

Jafree Ozwald February 21 2014

“Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day!” ~Will Durant

WomanOverlookingMountainRidgeIt’s good to know that you already have exactly what it takes to manifest whatever heart desires in your life. There truly is nothing that you cannot do, create, be or have. By simply visualizing, feeling and knowing your life’s greatest dream is about to manifest for you, you can learn how to receive everything you’ve been looking for. Get ready to learn how to start taking massive action and see miraculous things manifest in your life!

Yes! Today is your day to get off the sidelines and jump onto the playing field of your dreams! You are about to learn how to create an amazing life that you love and make all your goals a living reality!! Are you excited? Well, simply follow these 5 actions below and you’ll begin attracting unstoppable success into your life this week…enjoy!

1. Choose ONE thing to manifest and be super specific about what it is.

If you have too many desires eating at you, they will leak your energy and disable you from creating any one of them. It’s best to focus on one specific thing at a time that is the most important thing you want and need. If you want a new job, what kind of job is it? Get specific with yourself about how many hours a week, what you’ll be doing, with what type of people, and how much will you be paid? If you also want a new relationship, body, money, peace of mind, and more fun in bed too, you’ll have a much easier time creating all of these dreams when you take care of your priority first. So just start with that one most important outcome that you most want/need to create, and commit to sticking to it like super glue over the next 90 days.

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The 5 Steps To Manifesting Any Intention

“Success doesn’t come to you … you go to it.” ~Marva Collins

The 5 Steps To Manifesting Any IntentionJafree Ozwald – Setting an intention is something we all have done in the past and naturally have the ability to do, and most of us haven’t learned exactly how to control it….yet! Today we are going to go into the specifics about how YOU can manifest WHATEVER you want in your life through this amazing power of intention that you already have!

Start right now by noticing where these images about your life are coming from. If you look deep enough, you’ll see that something in you is constantly directing your attention towards what you want, and thus consistently attracting it into your life. Whether it’s that same constant argument with your best friend about religion, the feeling that you really do deserve a better job, or perhaps that dream car, house or bank account you wish you had, your mind is always focusing on something! Continue reading