America’s Two Parties: Traitors and Patriots

treasonPeggy Ryan – Oh, the horror!  Former CIA director John Brennan lost his security clearance.  Media decry the president’s intimidation tactics, his enemies list.  Famous lawyer Alan Dershowitz posits that Brennan’s First Amendment rights may have been violated.

It’s all vapors, transparent attempts to deflect from Brennan’s real threat: his role of traitor.  (Cue audible gasps.)  How dare I call Brennan a traitor?

Treason is narrowly defined in the Constitution, restricted to wartime.

U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

True, but I contend we are at war, a bloodless war against a globalist tribe.  Hillary Clinton’s not a singular threat to our democracy; she’s part of a cabal that’s been working for decades to end democracy, to subjugate Americans to global rule. Continue reading