Who Are the Real Haters?

progressive hatersBruce Deitrick Price – When Governor Gavin Newsom disappeared for a few weeks after receiving a COVID shot, the public worried: was he alive?  His wife did not like this curiosity.  You might think citizens have a right to know where their leaders are.  Nope.  She viewed the nosy public as haters.

Mrs. Newsom posted: “When someone cancels something, maybe they’re just in the office working; maybe in their free time they’re at home with their family, at their kids’ sports matches, or dining out with their wife. Please stop hating and get a life.” Continue reading

Dinner with Libs

liberalPete McArdle – Last night, the wife and I attended a dinner party with two other couples. The hosts, old friends endowed with equally large amounts of generosity and common sense, laid out a feast of food and drink, and played Switzerland for the night. They discussed pressing issues good-naturedly and stayed far away from the dangerous third rail of politics.

My saintly wife wants nothing to do with talking politics, she’s always made kind, upbeat conversation, or said nothing at all. Despite her peaceful nature, however, she threatened me with severe sanctions on the ride over, should I disturb the dinner party peace with my often loud and sarcastic political observations. The reason for the warning was the third couple attending, also old friends, who are widely considered to be smart, accomplished, generous, and kind. Continue reading

We’re Not the Crazy Ones

realityRob Jenkins – Long gone are the days when “politics as usual” meant Democrats and Republicans quibbling over policy preferences. Today’s divide is more existential than political, between two sides — left versus right, progressives versus conservatives, statists versus classical liberals, however you want to phrase it — who see the world in fundamentally different terms, almost as if they live in two separate realities.

Okay, never mind the “almost.”

Since a good pocket definition of “insanity” is “out of touch with reality,” each side thus thinks the other is literally insane. You can see this play out daily on social media, as both sides shake their heads in stunned disbelief at the other’s inexplicable antics, which to them seem “crazy.” In this context, that’s not merely a pejorative.    Continue reading

God Chose Trump

trumpJames Arlandson – When Trump tweets something, the Self-Righteous Indignation Brigade demand that Christians immediately drop their support of the president.  If we don’t, then somehow we have lost our integrity or compromised our faith.  Isn’t that obvious?

No.  Here’s why.

I used to be a harsh Trump critic and a NeverTrump, writing various articles in a mocking, condescending style (I won’t link to them).  Through a series of circumstances and listening to various people in my church tradition and just observing, I changed my mind.  So I decided to flip this question 180 degrees.

How could God use a man with such a deficient character as Trump’s?

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