The Coming AI Wars

AIJoseph P Farrell – Mr. J.B. sent this article along, and as one might imagine, it sparked some high octane speculation that I want to end this week’s blogs with. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been much in focus in recent years, with a number of prominent figures, like Mr. Musk, raising the alarm about its potentialities.

More recently, just last week I blogged about Henry Kissinger’s own alarm about AI. In that blog, I pointed out that Musk’s version of the scenario is that it might actually transduce some entity or being of evil nature into its artificial neurons and circuits, what I called “The Devil Scenario.”

I also speculated in that blog that perhaps the “elites” like Mr. Kissinger are afraid of the opposite scenario to Musk’s, one that does not get discussed very much, and that it the so-called “Angel” scenario, where an AI might “transduce” some entity that determines that the current globaloney crop of misfits, cultural Marxists, Darth Soroses and crony crapitalists are a threat to humanity, and… well, you know. Perhaps, I thought in that blog, the “elites” are seeing certain signs of that or a similar scenario, and they don’t like what they see. Either way, I’m still of the opinion some developed form of AI is already here.

So what has this to do with Mr. J.B.’s article? Well, here’s the article, and you tell me: Continue reading