Accessing the Divine Life-Force Through Gratitude

Wake Up World  May 17 2014

Of all the magic potions, secret formulas and arcane wisdom of the ages, when it comes to getting out of my sh*t, the quickest way to shift the imbalance and come back into my open and empowered Heartspace is to get into Gratitude. Nothing works like GratitudeNothing.

It’s a simple matter of physics or science or something progressively sensible… In that whatever we focus upon and put our attention towards, gets more … of itself. One of the most preferred ‘afterglow’ feelings to have in relation to anything in your life is being thankful for it. To cut to the catch – the choice to simply be grateful for whatever you’re going through (no matter what) will automatically upgrade the experience as being beneficial and good for you.

As we’ve now come to understand that energy follows thought — like attracts like, you get what you give, what goes around, comes around — doesn’t it make perfect sense to put your focus on the bestest best feeling you can possibly have? This is also called ‘pivoting’ or shifting your attention in any given situation to line up most favorably with what feels good to you.

Is it really this simple? In my life, it has proven so, over and over again.

In these times of accelerated Lifeforce flow, the velocity by which our thoughts come into manifestation are quicker and quicker. The lag time between an intention set and a direct manifestation in my life has decreased significantly. However, this isn’t to say I get everything I ask for (I don’t), although when my request is aligned with my highest and greatest good, it sure does. Continue reading