Luck O’ the Divine

luckThe Angels – Our channel asked us to say something that felt “festive” in light of the holiday that so many of you celebrate today! So in honor of her wishes we’ll talk about “luck! ”

You talk about lucky pennies, lucky charms, Lady luck, the Luck of the Irish! You say you feel lucky, or you’ve had an unlucky streak. In reality luck comes to those who look for it and those who believe in it.

The entire universe is in a beautiful and harmonious vibrational dance. You will always se,e mirrored back to you in the external world, what you consciously and unconsciously project. That bothers some of you because consciously you project very good intentions, but unconsciously you may be harboring beliefs to the contrary. You may consciously want to be lucky, but unconscious you believe “others have all the luck,” or “I never get lucky,” or “luck only comes to those who wait.”  Continue reading