The Dream Factory

Lunar Eclipse at 8° GeminiLorna Bevan – This is set to be a week full of potential and you as a Path Paver need to be ready to capture it before it flies by. First, we’re in the seismic window of November 30th’s Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini/Sagittarius – the first in Gemini since 2002.

As always, with these cosmic wild cards, be ready for what seem like random events, outside your control, suddenly changing your trajectory – what I call sideways elevators. Lunar eclipses bring up emotions around endings along with nostalgia about times past. This Gemini eclipse downloads data – information bytes – for you to assimilate and turn into knowledge and wisdom at the Total Solar eclipse on December 14th at 23° Sagittarius. Continue reading

Lunar Eclipse and The Sandman

lunar eclipseDana Mrkich – On July 16, 2019 we had a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (24 degrees), with Pluto almost right alongside it (22 degrees) adding to the emotional intensity. Lunar Eclipses reveal things. They bring hidden influences to the surface – emotions, insights, secrets. They are associated with endings and letting go – of habits, patterns, wounds, dreams or even people. A Lunar Eclipse can feel like a Full Moon x 100 so if you’re a sensitive person you might be feeling particularly on edge this week – some people feel it a couple days prior, others in the couple of days following.


As always, deep, slow breaths help to calm and soothe. Continue reading

A Time of Reckoning

16th July 2019: Lunar Eclipse in 25th degree of Capricorn

eclipseSarah Varcas – With the Sun at the North Node and the Moon at the South Node, this eclipse warns against the sacrifice of inner knowing in favor of external authority. Pluto conjunct the Moon, with Saturn also in Capricorn, emphasizes the power and influence of received wisdom which keeps us locked into old beliefs and patterns of behavior.

Such service to another’s agenda disenfranchises our own insight, denying us the ability to know for ourselves what is true. Occurring less than two degrees away from the point of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction due in January 2020, this eclipse augurs approaching changes and provides an opportunity to get ahead of the game.

Redefining maturity

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Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..

The next lunar eclipse will be on 31st January 2018 UT in the 12th degree of Leo. Specific information about this eclipse can be found below.

eclipseSarah Varcas – A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and its light is blocked by the earth’s shadow. A full moon is traditionally a time of fruition and harvest, but when eclipsed it heralds, instead, hidden fruits and obscured results. Nothing is quite as it seems. If we think we’ve failed, think again – all is not lost.

If we’re congratulating ourselves on unbridled success, best take a moment to step back and check the details: things may not be as hunky-dory as they first appear and more work may be called for further down the road. A lunar eclipse is a time of mystery and magic, revealing the hidden face of who we are and what we do. It offers a precious opportunity to see more deeply into the consequences of how we live our lives. As such, reflection at this time is best focused on outcomes reaped thus far and any changes we can make to better hone future harvests.

In part, the moon relates to childhood, when we’re at our most vulnerable: dependent on nurturing protection and wise encouragement. A lunar eclipse may therefore bring to the fore memories, thoughts and feelings from early life, illuminating they’re impact upon us. We may want to make a gesture of gratitude towards those who so lovingly cared for us back then. Or we may need to acknowledge hurts inflicted and pain caused – intentionally or otherwise – by those we looked to for succour and support. We may be moved to do both: acknowledge the efforts made by those struggling with their own pain and unable, therefore, to effectively meet our needs. Or it may be necessary to maintain distance from those who shaped our past, knowing it to be vital for our own well-being. Continue reading

Power Path Update

“Full moon, 21 May 2016” – photographer Andrew H.

Lena Stevens – The theme for the month of January, Evaluation-Action, has manifested for some in getting caught in the Evaluation part and ending up in deep reevaluation taking the form of confusion, inertia, lack of motivation/inspiration, maybe even physical illness, and in extreme cases a kind of despair about what to do and where to put your energy (if you had any). For you, the practical Action piece may seem like a distant unattainable dream.

The evaluation and decluttering of old patterns, belief systems and habits is a big one, a task that may take more than just the month of January to accomplish. This is a huge step in your personal growth, and growth is the goal for the year. Identifying what doesn’t work and does not bring you joy is the hardest part and you can always ask for help in the next steps of clearing the clutter and reconfiguring the way you live your life. So if you are feeling slightly unraveled, it is probably a good thing even though it might be challenging. Continue reading