Divide and Conquer Tactics

powerLisa Renee  – Our Krystic families that live in the higher creational realms share the same Universal truths of unity that we are working to reveal for humanity, as we awaken to remember our real origins during the Ascension Cycle.

We know that this advanced civilization based on unity consciousness and Christ principles exists and is our true home and origin. Yet, as we are embodied on the earth at this time, we have been trained in the Divide and Conquer strategies of the anti-Christ.

This month we look at the particular strategies being used against humanity, in the war over consciousness.  During this pinnacle time in the ascension, we are aligning every light fiber, fully with unity consciousness. Our spiritual family does not understand these warfare methods from where they are in higher realms. So it is up to each of us to recognize these Divide and Conquer strategies in action, and not unknowingly feed energy into them.

People that have retained their sense of true humanity and embody more heart-based qualities are more capable of experiencing and sharing loving feelings with others. Being capable of experiencing loving and benevolent feelings gives rise to the desire to be meaningfully connected with life, feeling empathy and compassion for humanity and caring about what happens to the earth and nature in the future.

Heart based and soul connected people have an inner conscience that guides them towards positive thoughts and behaviors and helps them to build the spiritual foundation of an integral, ethical and good nature. Thus, many heart based people are unable to recognize the larger overview of the global domination agendas that employ psychological warfare tactics and mind control strategies that are designed to hide the crimes against humanity. Continue reading

Ring Of Archons! New Age Deep State Part 4 [Video]

Exclusive Interview! Whistleblower Derrick Faust Comes Forward!


Daniel Liszt – In this fascinating part 4 episode of the New Age Deep State series, Dark Journalist welcomes former insider to Corey Goode’s camp Derrick Faust for an exclusive interview on what really is behind the Cult Marketing Campaign that is driving the commercialization of the Blue Avian, Sphere Being Alliance 3-Year Disclosure marketing plan.

This campaign is the brainchild of self proclaimed Time-Traveling Astronaut Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur and includes unusual aspects like a therapy network to help cope with disclosure and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space.

‘Disclosure’ Corporation Swallows Grassroots Truth Effort

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Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated Children 2016 Health Study Pulled From Publication

vaccineCatherine J Frompovich – The just-ended presidential election cycle in the USA has something very much in common with vaccine ‘science’, or so it seems: Both produce results that are questioned, contentious and even manipulated with varying degrees of culpability.

Strong words! Maybe, but factual to the point of proof as in the scientific journal article that was “unpublished” after vaccine acolytes raised all sorts of hell about it and the study’s results proving that “Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDDs (defined as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability).

In the Abstract’s Conclusion, it was noted that “In this study based on mothers’ reports, the vaccinated had a higher rate of allergies and NDD than the unvaccinated. Vaccination, but not preterm birth, remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors. However, preterm birth combined with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD. Further research involving larger, independent samples is needed to verify and understand these unexpected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on children’s health.”

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What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?

matrixMichelle Walling, CHLC – On my website How To Exit The Matrix you will find esoteric, Gnostic, metaphysical, spiritual, and scientific answers about what the matrix is and how to “unplug” from it. A main topic of focus is how our collective consciousness steers our reality and how we are working to exit from this reality to a more favorable one. What is important right now is shifting our focus to what we want to create and and remembering how to use the power the we have as a soul incarnated into a physical human Earth vessel. 2017 will bring unprecedented events, energy, and support like Earth has never experienced before.

Who are we?

Once upon a time, it is said that Prime Creator, God, or Source suddenly found itself to be a conscious being. In order to realize what it was and what it was not, it wanted to send forth aspects of itself out to experience in different frequencies of vibration. As the saying goes- As above, so below- we are all smaller but fractal (and equal) aspects of the one Source learning who we are and what we do not want through experience.

Many souls have come from all over the Universe and even from other Universes to be a part of the end of a grand cycle here on Earth. At the end, there is a choice. Fractal soul aspects begin to either be absorbed back to the Source, to merge their individual personalities back to a larger aspect of their oversoul, or to continue to experience something similar to Earth on another 3d planet or simulation. Earth has been called a “fast track” for those wishing to expand their soul’s growth.

Through awakening and awareness we are remembering who we are and why we are here in this time of change for Earth. Many people have identified with what has been called “the golden cage”, the matrix, and the demiurge, that has been run by the archons, malevolent extraterrestrials such as most reptilians and greys, artificial intelligence, and the cosmic wars that brought us to a bigger picture of what we are experiencing today.

What is the matrix?

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