What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?

matrixMichelle Walling, CHLC – On my website How To Exit The Matrix you will find esoteric, Gnostic, metaphysical, spiritual, and scientific answers about what the matrix is and how to “unplug” from it. A main topic of focus is how our collective consciousness steers our reality and how we are working to exit from this reality to a more favorable one. What is important right now is shifting our focus to what we want to create and and remembering how to use the power the we have as a soul incarnated into a physical human Earth vessel. 2017 will bring unprecedented events, energy, and support like Earth has never experienced before.

Who are we?

Once upon a time, it is said that Prime Creator, God, or Source suddenly found itself to be a conscious being. In order to realize what it was and what it was not, it wanted to send forth aspects of itself out to experience in different frequencies of vibration. As the saying goes- As above, so below- we are all smaller but fractal (and equal) aspects of the one Source learning who we are and what we do not want through experience.

Many souls have come from all over the Universe and even from other Universes to be a part of the end of a grand cycle here on Earth. At the end, there is a choice. Fractal soul aspects begin to either be absorbed back to the Source, to merge their individual personalities back to a larger aspect of their oversoul, or to continue to experience something similar to Earth on another 3d planet or simulation. Earth has been called a “fast track” for those wishing to expand their soul’s growth.

Through awakening and awareness we are remembering who we are and why we are here in this time of change for Earth. Many people have identified with what has been called “the golden cage”, the matrix, and the demiurge, that has been run by the archons, malevolent extraterrestrials such as most reptilians and greys, artificial intelligence, and the cosmic wars that brought us to a bigger picture of what we are experiencing today.

What is the matrix?

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A Time for Gratitude

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
– Ecclesiastes

timePaul Rosenberg – After a long, dark, painful political season, it’s time for us to pull ourselves out of it and reset our attitudes about the world. And there are few better ways to do that than to spend a few moments feeling grateful.

All is not bitterness and pain upon Earth, and that’s something we need to remind ourselves, especially because we’re surrounded by manufactured, amplified, and repeatedly broadcast fears. (Fear is a profitable business tool these days.)

So, I want to make a list of things to be grateful about, transcending the fears that drag us downward. Here we go:

  • Technology keeps us moving forward. While you may already be gently nodding in agreement, what’s wrapped up in this statement is far more powerful than most people think. Consider this carefully: Politics is cyclical, but technology is cumulative. (And you really should see issue #71 of the subscription letter on this point.) Kings, kingdoms, empires, and all the rest come and go. Technology accretes – it builds up. This is a great hope for the future… for our children and grandchildren. In time, technology will overtake the dark specter of politics and human life will flower.
  • We are better than we used to be. Yes, I know, it’s all too easy to complain about humanity; I’ve done it plenty myself. But if you look backward a bit, you’ll find that life is considerably less brutal than it used to be, and we no longer accept many things we used to. And it’s not just brutality, we’re getting better in other ways. Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev put it this way:

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Tips To Deflect A Psychic Attack

Psychic AttackLaura Day – Are you a victim of psychic attack? Are you having trouble manifesting your goals? Are you physically and emotionally depleted? Do you suddenly look less attractive than you used to? Are you unable to bounce back from a failed relationship or a disappointment? Have you lost faith in yourself? You talents? Are you unable to let go of a person or situation?

If out of the blue and without cause you feel anxious, depressed, angry or otherwise out of sorts you may be under psychic attack. If you begin making mistakes or having situations and relationships in your life go wrong without reason, you may be under psychic attack and there are actions you can take right now to re-claim your life.

In my circles there is a lot of talk about psychic attack without much information about what it is. To understand psychic attack it is important to be aware of the way that people communicate non-locally or at a distance. Most people have experienced knowing that a loved one far away needed them without being informed in a traditional way or calling a loved one at the exact same moment that that person called you. That is an instance of non-local communication.

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, September 14, 2016

“An Unexpected Visitor” – photographer Lisa

Gibbous Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 10:23 pm ET/2:23 am UT: trust, the power of the mind to manifest

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: learn the wisdom that is being offered through today’s experiences

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “two heads looking out and beyond the shadows” (seeing beyond duality/divide and conquer, integration, transcending difficulties)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the renaissance of humanity, transcending difficulties)

True Alignments:  see below

Catalysts for Change: see below

Chiron — the Master, the Teacher, the Healer — takes “center sky” today, as the Sun moves into opposition with it.  There are two days each year when Chiron rules the energetics; today is one of them.

The energy of Chiron seeks to heal deep wounds through the acquisition of knowledge.

The only way this can happen with Chiron is when a wound (pain) is present.  In fact, Chiron often induces the pain so that masterful knowledge can be obtained.

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The Controllers Agenda Exposed – Final Summary

unlimitedMichelle Walling – The reality which we have been given in the media and politics is highly manipulated and has almost nothing to do with the truth. As such, we should not assume that we will ever be told the truth by those that manipulate the media and control the politics of this country. It is clear that we’ve been led astray by self-appointed overlords whose goal is to rule the world by controlling access to our past. Without an understanding of whom and what we are, we cannot escape from this game of deception.

There are no accidents. Everything happens with a high degree of synchronicity and purpose. We are meant to see the truth of our reality when we are ready.

This is all part of the game of Polarity Integration. No spiritual development can occur without it. We’re here to experience the polarity, integrate it, and return it to the Creator. We’ve been given the freedom of choice to choose fear or love. In fear we are slaves, in love we are free. We are here to choose love and respect for self and others or fear to manipulate and control others, and be manipulated and controlled by others. To not choose is still a choice. There is no escape.

Fear is bondage. It accomplishes destruction and is more devastating than nuclear weapons. The days of destruction will end. As we get closer to the end of this cycle, all weapons of destruction will be deactivated. Some of us will experience fear, others a quiet peace and knowing.

We have been given powers, which depending on our own personal state of development; allow us to defy all of the natural physical laws. Throughout the ages people have been tortured and killed when they discovered this. These powers include telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, telekinesis, teleportation, levitation and healing. These powers exist within the universal laws.

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