Cutting Energetic Cords

Cutting cords doesn’t mean, “I don’t love you or care about you anymore.” Cord cutting doesn’t necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue

Positive and negative cords

Cords are a method of high speed communication and sharing energy. Healthy cords create a nurturing sharing of information and energy. Unhealthy cords can be a huge drain or a means of control. They are attached by mutual agreement, but there are lots of ways to persuade, trick, or con people into being corded.

Often they were useful, but outlive their usefulness. The cord may have been very important when you were 2 years old, but now in adulthood it is no longer useful, but the cord is still there. Continue reading

Be Your Authentic Self

Being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness in life. – Sheri Fink

Be your authentic self. Be true to yourself always. Don’t worry what other people will think. March to the beat of your own unique drum and do the things that make you happy. Magical things happen when you’re following your passions, the things that you really love in life.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Always seek to be around people who amplify your energy. After interacting with them, you’ll feel uplifted and excited about life. Look for this reaction when considering friends, coaches, business partners, mentors, clients, Mastermind Group members, etc. Continue reading

Why Animals Are Good for Your Health

pet ownershipDavid R. Hamilton PhD – I have a new family member – a 14-week-old puppy named, Daisy. In the spirit of how much she has added to my life already, I thought I’d share some health insights and scientific research on how animals benefit our mental and physical health.

When I first began writing this blog, I originally had ‘dogs’ in the title place of animals, but I shortly discovered that many of the studies applied equally well to any animals that we develop a bond with.

So here’s 5 reasons why animals are good for your health, with accompanying scientific research where available to back them up, plus a few extra specific benefits at the end (for children with autism spectrum disorder and children at risk of developing allergies). Continue reading

How Discipline Leads to Freedom

consciousnessJafree Ozwald – If you are not experiencing a positive state of mind every morning and throughout the day, your mind is not disciplined yet. When your wild horses have gone through 90 days of training to remain in the here and now, you will have achieved a great level of mind mastery.

As this happens, you are freed from your mind’s obsessive chattering, incessant analyzing, dissecting, and chomping on trivial information. The more you train the mind the easier it becomes to realize that the disciplined mind is the freed mind. Continue reading

Tips to Boost Mental Wellbeing

mental healthWork demands, relationship issues, and the pressures of daily life can impact your mental health. It is normal to feel down or stressed occasionally, but it can cause serious health problems if it becomes a long-term issue. You must take mental health seriously and work towards improving your emotional wellness. Here are four tips to boost your mental health:

1. Make time for exercise

Exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight and heart, but it can also impact your mental health. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins and dopamine, which lift mood and lower stress. Continue reading