Mercury Direct in Capricorn

focusDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Well, we’ve had an interesting start to the New Year. A lot of truth being revealed, and super moons and blue moons and we’ve got a very exciting quarter in general.

But I think for this week what I’d like to focus on, a little bit in advance, is Mercury, the planet of communications and in a more ancient way, a messenger to the Gods, the planet closest to the Sun, the source of light, is going to move into Capricorn on January 10.

That has a kind of bulldozing effect that you can put your mind in gear, put your mind into a focused manner and I think for a lot of lightworkers perhaps is also going to give you a little more kind of mind-over-matter powers. So as always, don’t focus on the negative. Continue reading