Yemen Widens War, Matthew Perry Vax Murder [Video]

Yemen Widens War, Matthew Perry Vax MurderGreg Hunter – A new country has declared war on Israel –Yemen.  Actually, it is the Houthis beating the war drums, and they are supported by Iran.  So, Iran is using its proxies to widen the war against Israel.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah is starting to attack Israel.  They are also puppets of Iran.  Meanwhile, Hamas in Gaza is vowing another terror attack like the October 7th massacre.  The war in the Middle East is getting bigger and spinning out of control.  Everybody in the world has an opinion with many anti-Israel comments on the rise. Continue reading

ECETI News After the Eclipse

ECETI News After the Eclipse James Gilliland – It’s been a while since the last newsletter. We have been very busy clearing energies on a massive scale and other projects. With all the events unfolding we can no longer ignore the obvious. Things just are not right, they have not been right for a very long time.  Nothing is as it seems, and nothing is what we were told.

What is not right or in alignment with Universal Law is all coming to the surface. The chaos we are experiencing is the healing. The overlords, those who believe they control this planet are being seen for the vile, sociopaths they are. They have two agendas – profit and control – and they will do anything to maintain that control. If humanity wakes up to what they have done it’s game over so all of humanity is a threat. Continue reading