States of Terror


Chris Hedges – It is nearly certain that we will endure, sooner rather than later, another catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil. The blundering of our military into the Middle East; the failed states that have risen out of the mismanagement and chaos of Iraq and Afghanistan; the millions of innocents we have driven from their homes, terrorized or slaughtered; the bankrupt puppet regimes we have equipped and trained that will not fight; the massive amounts of munitions and military hardware we have allowed to fall into the hands of jihadis—thousands of them carrying Western passports; and the myopic foreign policy whose single tenet is that more industrial violence will get us out of the morass created by our industrial violence in the first place means that we, like France, are in for it.

All the major candidates for president, including Bernie Sanders, along with a media that is a shameless echo chamber for the elites, embrace endless war. Lost are the art of diplomacy, the ability to read the cultural, political, linguistic and religious landscape of those we dominate by force, the effort to dissect the roots of jihadi rage and violence, and the simple understanding that Muslims do not want to be occupied any more than we would want to be occupied. Continue reading

Washington Post Confirms: ISIS Supplied Via Turkey is a US Excuse to Seize Syria

Tony Cartalucci – With the announcement of US special forces joining Western-backed militants on the ground in Syria, many still appear confused as to exactly what the implications of this move are. As if to assure the public that indeed, the move is to use the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) as a pretext to invade and occupy Syrian territory, the Washington Post has published  an article explaining the move in detail titled, “Obama has strategy for Syria, but it faces major obstacles.”

In it, it states openly that ISIS is being supplied via Turkey. It states specifically that:

They will increase air operations in northern Syria, particularly in the Turkish border area to cut the flow of foreign fighters, money and materiel coming in to support the Islamic State.

Of course, it should be noted that Turkey itself has been a NATO member since the 1950s, with a US airbase located on Turkish territory at Incirlik for nearly as long. Since the war started in Syria in 2011, the US has admittedly operated along the Turkish-Syrian border. The New York Times and the Washington Post itself has reported on numerous occasions regarding the US Central Intelligence Agency steering weapons to militant groups across this very border.


Image: For months – if not years – those looking at ISIS and Al Qaeda territory in Syria can see, flowing like a river, their support has originated in NATO-member Turkey. The most recent Washington Post article all but admits that is the case, but claims it can only be stopped by holding Syrian territory. It is clear however, that NATO, Turkey, and the US possess the ability but intentionally lack the will to stop this flow before it enters Syria – specifically to create a pretext to invade. Continue reading

Obama Is Bullish for Gold And Silver

Michael Noonan – Obama is ultimately bullish for gold and silver.  His erratic and often incompetent decision -making can only cause both PMs to rally.  Here is part of the reason why:

Russia’s entry into the Syrian conflict to fight real terrorists is as much a side-show as it is a pivotal power play and game changer for Putin in the Middle East [ME].  We continue to report on this for diametrically opposed reasons.  It puts a glaring focus on Obama’s political inabilities, similar to watching a satirical comedy sketch, while at the same time, there is the potential for WWIII, mostly due to the instability of US policies.  This is a tragicomedy unfolding before us on the world’s stage.

Putin is playing his cards exceptionally well, while Obama plays a Joker’s hand.  From being a dominating factor in the ME for decades, Obama and his team of neocon misfits have turned tail, slinking away from what power it once exercised.  If events continue as Putin has been directing, even Saudi Arabia and Qatar will suffer financially, much more than imagined even from as little as a year ago.

Coat-tailing off of Russia’s new-found force, Iran has been a background player throughout the Syrian civil war, [started at the behest of Obama wanting to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to be replaced by a Western-selected puppet.]   Since the Russian air attacks, Iran now openly sends its troops to fight along with Syrian forces and those of Hezbollah.  There are implications that a Russian-Iranian axis could challenge the dominance of the Saudis and their control over oil pricing.  Russia and Iran would love to see oil back  at the $100 mark, and greater control by them can only add pressure to the existing Saudi corner on pricing oil. Continue reading

Khazar World Order in Russian Headlights

Katherine Frisk – A Russian friend once explained the Russian mindset to me. This is how it goes. While taking insult after insult, even a couple of blows, the Russian remains silent. Then one day when you least expect it, and you think you have put him in his place so that he knows exactly who is boss, he will turn around and punch your lights out. You will never see it coming.


I remember the very first boxing match I ever watched. It was between Arnold Taylor and Mexico’s Romeo Anaya. Bantam weight. My grandfather was a bantam weight boxer.( Yes it runs in the genes.) Anyways, little Arnold took blow after blow until round fourteen. Battered, seemingly on the complete losing end, he turned around and punched Anaya’s  lights out. As they were doing the count down he walk away and said: “He’s gone!” He knew the punch had hit home. The fight is often referred to as “the bloodiest fight in South African boxing history.” Very Russian!


Napoleon got his lights punched out by the Russians. So did Hitler.

Today the Russians, according to the Western Media, are on the ropes. The war on their border in Ukraine. The over 1 million refugees who fled to Russia. The manipulated drop in value of their currency. The drop in the oil price. Their failing economy. Their so-called isolation from the rest of the world. Their “guilt” for shooting down MH17 when we all know very well it was a Kiev military jet. The list of headlines prodding the bear into submission are endless. Continue reading

A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred

ObamaPaul Craig Roberts – The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe. Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces.

Perhaps among Obama’s advisors there are a few who are not drowning in hubris and can
understand this seachange. Sputnik news reports that some high-level security advisors to Obama have advised him to withdraw US military forces from Syria and give up his plan to overthrow Assad. They advised Obama to cooperate with Russia in order to stop the refugee flow that is overwhelming Washington’s vassals in Europe. The influx of unwanted peoples is making Europeans aware of the high cost of enabling US foreign policy. Advisors have told Obama that the idiocy of the neoconservatives’ policies threaten Washington’s empire in Europe. Continue reading