Strange Messages From The Middle East: Part 1: Russia

strangeJoseph P Farrell – In case you haven’t noticed, there have been a couple of strange – in fact, very strange – messages coming from the Middle East in the last few days. And for once, they didn’t come from the perpetually strange and bizarre (out)house of Saud. While I’m tempted, because of the strangeness of these statements, to wonder if someone might be slipping a little LSD into the water supply in Damascus and Baghdad, that convenient explanation, unfortunately, will not work in these instances, since the populations of Damascus and Baghdad, American lamestream media biases notwithstanding, do not appear to be “tripping.” Since the LSD-in-the-water-supply hypothesis will not work in these instances, I am required to fall back on our trademark high octane speculation.

Unfortunately, these statements are so strange and bizarre, particularly given the context and geopolitical situation in which they were made, that I will have to treat each of them in a separate blog, so today’s “part one” is about the strange Russian statement, which was noticed and shared by many regular readers of this site, to whom, of course, I am grateful for bringing it to our attention:

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

Now when something appears on The Saker’s website, I tend to sit up and take notice, for it’s one of the most respected websites on the internet for presenting and arguing events from the “Russian point of view.” And this consideration brings us chin to chin with General Konashenkov’s strange comments in a press briefing, and a message targeted specifically and directed to Washington: Continue reading

Be Wary

Michael Noonan – BREXIT opened a Pandora’s Box for the EU.  Will the globalists shut it closed and then reseal it for generations to come?  Something may be rotten in the state of Denmark, but the stench emitting from Brussels  has been overpowering Europe.  People in the Western world are being manipulated each and every day by the elite’s mainstream press with everything that can be construed as potentially negative that stems from BREXIT as a scapegoat.

The world is drowning in debt created by the central bankers and force-fed to states like a goose being fattened for foie gras.  Always, always follow the money.  Almost everything wrong in the world today can be traced to debt, debt that has been foisted upon states and people by bankers for the sole purpose of enriching only the shadow globalists.  At the end of the day, the tab gets passed onto everyone else to pay.  That is the sole purpose of the bail-outs and bail-ins.  Nothing else, not even you, matters to the elites.

Where did all of the trillions and trillions of newly created “money” go?  Back to repay the banks that loaned it out at interest.  Greece is a perfect example.  Where did most of the Greek bail-out money go?  Not to the nation.  Not to the state.  Not to the people.  Almost all of it went to repay the bank loans, and not from Greek banks, but from the elite’s IMF.

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Captured ISIS Terrorist Admits Stolen Oil Arrives in Turkey Daily

oil Stephen Lendman – Russian surveillance footage, independent investigative journalists and others exposed Erdogan’s oil smuggling racket, complicit with ISIS, refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil on the black market – Israel a key beneficiary.

Captured ISIS militant Mahmud Ghazi Tatar provided more evidence of illegal Turkish oil operations. His “commander told us that the group sells fuel to Turkey,” he explained.

Income funds ISIS terrorist activities. “(O)il trucks crossing into Turkey every day carry crude oil, as well as petrol,” Tatar said. Militants have “enough oil to last them a long time” – generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue annually along with other lucrative illicit operations supplying more, up to an estimated billion dollars annually.

Oil is sold through intermediary businessmen and traders, names not revealed. It’s well known Erdogan, his son, and high-level Turkish officials are involved, profiting hugely from smuggling operations. Continue reading