How to Maintain Mindfulness During Sleep

mindfulnessPaul Lenda – You probably know how helpful, and even crucial, mindfulness is to a balanced, calm, and fulfilling life.

Far beyond just something you do while sitting in lotus position with your eyes closed, mindfulness can also be done standing, walking, and lying down. You may not even get the inner calm and visionary insight you would expect from sitting in a traditional meditation posture.

It’s not practical to sit in meditation for more than a few hours a day. What do we do then, in order to stay in conscious awareness of our thoughts? You bring that mindfulness into everything you do during your waking state: mindful eating, mindful drinking, mindful driving, and any other action we experience in our daily lives. Continue reading

Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

lifePaul Lenda – You just woke up and are ready to get out of your bed and start your day. Why not bring some mindfulness into life from the moment you  get lucid?

These five things you can do before getting out of bed are  so simple and easy to add to your daily routine yet so effective that it begs the question – why we weren’t doing them before? You’ll soon discover that they will create a sense of mindfulness, elevate your state of mind and put you in the right space  to be happy and successful at whatever you set out to do. Continue reading

Through the Eye of the Eclipse

Important dates for this Mercury retrograde

August 12, 2017 at 6:00pm Mercury Stations Retrograde at 11º Virgo, opposite Neptune at 13º Pisces.

Mercury begins its retrograde journey in a very close opposition to Neptune who’s in his home sign of Pisces, indicating that our experience of the mundane may be colored by Neptune’s dreamy and ethereal qualities. This could ripple into human consciousness in the form of heightened imagination and connection with the unseen realms. It could possibly spell out tendencies toward escapism, confusion, or an unconscious tendency to avoid the more challenging aspects of one’s experience.

August 22, 2017 at 3:00am – Mercury conjunct the Moon at 7º Virgo. Emotional awareness.

Aug 26, 2017 – Mercury Conjunct the Sun. One highlight of the Mercury Retrograde period – miscommunications intensify.

August 31, 2017 – Mercury moves backward into Leo. We will be revisiting issues from July and particularly the time around the first Leo New Moon of July 23rd.

September 3, 2017 – Mercury conjoins Mars and trines Uranus from 28º Leo which is ALSO the Solar Eclipse Degree, and therefore more significant. This is a dicey time when things that are spoken or blurted out could go wrong. Unforeseen consequences. These two days therefore require caution.

September 5, 2017 – Mercury Stations Direct at 28º Leo. The conjunction with Mars has shifted with Mars in Virgo. This is still a time to be careful and to silently witness everything that is happening to you.

September 9, 2017 at 8:48am – Mercury Escapes Retrograde Shadow. The Retrograde period is officially over but we will spend the next six months or more contemplating the lessons learned.

new moonHenry Seltzer –   Mercury Retrograde is here again. That time become notorious for missed connections, miscommunications, and malfunctioning electronics is with us through the Solar Eclipse of August 21st and on into September.

Among the seeming drawbacks and headache-inducing circumstances, however, Mercury Retrograde periods are also a time when greater awareness and mindfulness are employed, so that there are rich potentials to be had, as well as urges within that we slow our activity down. We are enjoined to tune in, and to be truly present with ourselves and our issues.

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Is There Life Before Death?

mindfulnessCarolyn Baker – As the conversation about Near-Term Human Extinction (NTHE) grows increasingly deafening, I notice many people behaving as if they are already dead—and in fact they may be. Do we have 15 years, 20 years, 50 years? Should I move to another location? What’s the point of doing the job I now have? Why even have health insurance if I’m not going to be here anyway? And on it goes…

I have no problem with preparing for the future. I’ve been writing books on that topic for about six years. The future has come to meet us and smack us upside the head on just about every level imaginable. And…living primarily in the future takes a terrible toll on us in current time. In fact, it strip-mines our lives in the here and now and guarantees that we become “extinct” long before NTHE does its dirty deed.

Recently, I was watching an interview with mindfulness teacher, Jon Kabat-Zinn. When asked what he believes about life after death, Kabat-Zinn responded by saying that he doesn’t think about it much because he’s much more intrigued with whether or not there is life before death. If there isn’t life before death, he said, then we are already dead.

So how do we reconcile living life fully in current time with NTHE? The simplest response I have is: Give them equal time. Read the science, keep current with the news, talk about it with people with whom it is safe to do so, but give the present moment as much time as you give NTHE.

Giving the present equal time means committing to several necessary practices.

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Improve your Health with your Mind


Many people are looking for ways to feel better about themselves. Who in today’s busy world is not stressed, tired or simply worn out? While it is true that physical exercise and a healthy diet will help you build a stronger immune system, your mind might be even more important as you look to gain energy and improve your health. Learning more about your inner self with important techniques such as relaxation and meditation can help you undergo a big change in a relatively short amount of time.

First Steps to Self-Care

As we try to make it through the daily rat race it is easy to forget that the human body and mind need certain things in order to work properly. Women especially tend to forget about proper self-care. When did you last think about your plans and aspirations in life? Perhaps you should try out a free psychic chat at Kasamba  to get some help with looking at your life and where it is heading. Self-care starts with looking at what you lack, what you really need and discovering how you can bring about positive change in your life.

Someone to Talk to

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