Live Now!

Inspire Me Today February 12 2013

Breathe in the Adventure of Life! Do not waste a single precious day or moment. Unplug from your technology, get off of Facebook and live.

Become the channel for Life to be expressed through you. Let go of those silly fears of what others might think about you when you dance, sing, love openly, laugh out loud, speak honestly and do exactly what your Heart tells you to do. Show those self judgments that tell you can’t do it, that you can!

This life will come and go quickly which means we need to Live Here Now. Do not let another moment pass you by without acknowledging the True Miracle of Being Alive.

We are traveling through outer space at about 66,700 miles per hour somewhere in an infinitely expanding Universe and if you ask me, that’s a freakin’ Miracle–which makes us Miracles and since we’re miracles then we can absolutely create Miracles within ourselves and our lives. I’ve experienced plenty to know this is Truth. When you think you have a problem, just remember who you are and where you came from. We’re stardust, baby!!

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Holding The Space For Miracles

The One Dream Dreamer | January 4 2013 | Thanks, Will

EarthEach time there are expectations, the door to miracles is closed. Expectations fill in the space of manifestation.

Past experiences, past actions and reactions, past words or thoughts… brought in to the Now, re-creating the past. The space for miracles to happen is squeezed amongst the walls of past and future. Miracles happen Now, in the only existing moments.

To let go and let God, let miracles (lat: Miraculum=wonderful thing) a Space. The law of the Universe cannot be changed, and if the energy put in to a situation comes from an internal expected event, that energy will compete with the natural manifestation of Love. Love is here to happen, once it is allowed and welcomed.

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Every Moment Is Special And Worthy Of Your Attention

Inspire Me Today | September 13 2012

75 trillion.

That’s approximately how many cells there are in the human body. Each one of them is performing millions of teeny tiny miracles a day.

Why do I call these miracles?

Consider: your heart knows which direction to pump your blood. Your lungs know how to take in air and distribute oxygen. Your intestines know how to extract nutrients from food and pass them into your bloodstream.

All of these things happen without your ever having to think about it. Many of us don’t even know which organs are where, let alone understand how all of this happens. We couldn’t make it happen if we tried. But it keeps on happening, every moment of every day. Times 75 trillion.

Go ahead and tell me that’s not a miracle.

If all those miracles are happening undetected within the few square feet of your human body, can you imagine what might be happening all around you?

It’s as simple as finding the right parking space at the right moment, or as big as the spontaneous disappearance of a cancerous tumor.

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