Is Spontaneous Healing Going Viral in an End Times Hail Mary Miracle Pass?

magicLori Ann Lothian – In January,  I was healed from a life-long spinal curvature called scoliosis and a damaged right hip from a 2011 car accident has miraculously returned to it’s pre-damaged state.

It’s a true story, I promise you.

Here is my video where I demonstrate the brand new pain-free flexibility in my hip joint, that occurred after I went into a deep 90 minute samadhi meditation on the the cusp of that intense super blood blue moon eclipse on January 31st. (What I don’t explicitly say in this video is that this was not a gradual improvement — I had done a yoga class only three days before the sudden healing, and my range of motion was still very limited.)

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Release yourself to adventure

The Angels – Release yourselves to the adventure of life! We have spoken a great deal lately about releasing yourself from expectations. Can you imagine the freedom adventureif you release life from expectations and instead just enjoy each day for the gifts it offers? Can you imagine having your plans and desires but also being open, as a child is, to the adventures of life? Can you trust, as a child does, that the Divine loves you and wants the best for you?

As you approach your holiday season, so many of you have so many plans! This is wonderful! You anticipate creating loving gifts, love celebrations, loving gatherings with one another. We love the love with which you plan and dream of your celebrations! However, so many of you have a tendency also to slip into stress. When you forget the love behind your plans and presents, then life ceases to be an adventure and becomes a burden.

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Finding The Hidden Gift In Chaos

Every now and then life twists and turns with all the grace of a roller coaster half off the rails. Things feel perilous, unpredictable and wobbly. And that’s just your life. Never mind the recent uptick in conflict simmering in geo-political hot spots like the Ukraine, the middle-east and riot-ridden Ferguson, Missouri.

Feature Image: Flickr/Kristaps Bergfelds
Feature Image: Flickr/Kristaps Bergfelds

Add to this, the astrological crunch of Mars (warrior) and its impending impact (conjunction) with Saturn (status quo) on Aug 25th and you get the recipe for a catalytic breakdown-to-breakthrough both out there, and in here.

I have been watching with interest how my inner landscape remains a muted version of the cacophony around me. Yet I have friends who are ready to jump ship—from their marriage, their careers, their homes—from anything that feels constraining, even if that jumping means swimming in waters that are completely unknown.

This urge for momentous personal change that seems to be storming through people’s psyches is more accurately an unleashed desire for transformation. What is being stoked by inner and outer chaos is the impetus to shed the old skin, leaving the dry husk of our finite identity behind for our boundless true self.  Simply, the craziness around us is a call to discover the sanity inside of us. Continue reading

You Are Truly Miraculous

Jafree Ozwald May 19 2014

“You live, you love, you lose, you learn, and someday you might laugh.” ~ Anonymous

flower_orchid2There is something quite magical happening inside you. It’s perhaps more amazing than the mind can conceive. It seems so normal, so obvious and natural that you might overlook it.

Right now, there are thousands of processes happening in your body that are keeping your heart beating, your hair growing, your teeth from decaying and your body able to relax and sleep at night. Your body is pumping blood to trillions of cells, bringing the oxygen of life to them all. Billions of brain cells are being engaged right now by just reading this message! In this moment as you sitting here reading and understanding these words, your lungs are breathing new life into you.

This life you’re experiencing is truly a miraculous event.

When you take a moment to realize the amazing things that are occurring inside, you begin to acknowledge the divinity behind it all. When you stop to appreciate all the little things that you take for granted, you begin to take on a deeper meaning for your existence.

Everything that is happening is a miracle. You have the gift of thinking and perceiving right now. One day it will be gone.

How often do you appreciate this air that gives you life? Your body and mind are so precious, so take this time to truly enjoy living in them. This appreciation is your vehicle for realizing the divinity within all things, especially YOU!

The invitation for you is to see how much can you truly enjoy this amazing bodymind you’re living in. What if the main purpose of your life was to simply be fully alive, available to this present moment and completely loving what all is happening here and now? How would you live your life differently? Continue reading

The Miracle Matrix

Zen-Haven July 6 2013

Some days ago I posted: “Mother Brings Baby Back to Life With Two Hours Of Loving Cuddles”. It went pretty viral with 25.000 views. It’s a heart opening positive story.

Moving location the last 7 days and going about unpacking my moving boxes, battling poor internet cables and all that follows a move in a Mercury Retrograde (never move in one if you can avoid it), the story also got me wondering about the concept we seem to put to it – a Miracle, Divine Intervention and so on.


Has our long term conditioning to the health system really taken the matrix mindset to the point where a new born baby, who beats the cold steel garbage disposal can in a maternity ward, is living proof of a miracle?

Within a healthcare system that equates to things that are not working are, by default, disposable? That’s a consumerist mindset and in the matrix it also applies to newborns.

Society has lured us away from the wisdom we all have within us to help us cope with life altering events.

The parents plugged in to the basic powers we have.

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