Memories, Daydreams, Tuning in the Present

momentThe Angels – Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment.

Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with words. After reading this paragraph shut your eyes, breathe for a minute or two and simply open to receive our love for you. Do it now, if you like. Continue reading

This Moment Is Enough

lifeMary O’Malley – This moment is enough. Take a moment and let that in. This moment is enough.

Your mind may argue with this because it is not how we have been conditioned to live. We are always seeking for more: more things, more money, more adventure, a more beautiful body, more peace, better sex, better relationships, better meditations, and on and on and on.

Researchers call this the hedonistic treadmill.  Like hamsters on a wheel we are always running after new, more and better.  (One of the places you can see this clearly is in spirituality, for most people see it as a search for better states of mind.)

Rarely, except for brief moments, are we satisfied with the life we already have. We are told  through advertising and social media that, if we just get a little more of this and a little less of that, then we will reach the elusive happiness we long for. Continue reading

How to Tune into the Present Moment Right Now

momentTanaaz – Consciousness is defined as the state or quality of awareness. To be aware we have to be awake. Not just physically awake but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are all conscious beings, but achieving a state of higher consciousness is about developing the awareness of the hidden, unseen world. It is about digging deeper beneath the surface in order to uncover the essence or truth.

Consciousness can be similar to enlightenment. The truly conscious person is awakened to their fullest potential and therefore “lit up” with the energy of who they really are.

Raising your consciousness is not something that is only for the privileged few. We all have the ability to raise our levels of consciousness through being more aware of who we are, where we are and what we are doing.

Many spiritual teachers call this being “present”. It is only when you are fully aware of the present moment that you can truly raise your consciousness.

But what does this even mean?

What does it mean to be present? 

How does being present help me?

Becoming Physically Present

Take a moment right now to observe 7 things around you. Look at your surroundings and identify 7 things that stand out to you.

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