Managing your Momentum

Managing your MomentumThe Angels – In today’s message, we want to help you understand how to keep the momentum going when life is going your way and how to turn the momentum around when life seems to present one tough situation after the next.

The answer lies, as always, in vibrational reality. A radio can only receive the frequency to which it is tuned. A television can only display the channel to which it is tuned. And you will only see or receive the energies that match that to which you are tuned. Continue reading

A Guide to Create Momentum and Manifest Your Desired Life

A Guide to Create Momentum and Manifest Your Desired LifeAilia Mira – We greet you in love. We are so very pleased to speak with you about these topics Ailia has just shared above. They are close to our hearts (so to speak) too. For we, like you, are devoted to the ascension of humanity and planet Earth and we KNOW that you came into your human experience with the intention to awaken, remember, reclaim your capacity to create and in doing so, thrive!

We feel that preparation for 2024, including opening to more abundance, more joy, more ease, more clarity, more confidence in what is happening and in participating with it, is the most supportive and empowering way to share with you now. Continue reading

The Space Between No Longer And Not Yet

destinyLorna Bevan – As predicted, these End Days through to January 2021 are presenting every single one of us with a critical Rite of Passage to navigate. This post-election week is going to be a doozy for everyone, not just those in the US who are seeing their karmic Pluto return playing out in front of their eyes.

Mars turn direct in Aries kicking up a Mars Max storm, the 3rd Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn takes everything to extremes, intensified by a seismic Super New Moon in Scorpio which opens the November 30th eclipse rabbit hole. Continue reading

Momentum Improves, Changes Ahead

November 2020Joseph P Anthony – Some good news arrives this month! We have two important planets (Mercury & Mars) that will be moving forward in November. Both of these of planets have been holding the energy down, especially Mars which represents drive and determination and has been retrograde since September 9th. When Mars in Aries is retrograde it’s like trying to walk through mud that is about knee deep. Mercury of course represents our thinking and communication, as I’m sure many of you know by now, Mercury retrograde tends to bring our thoughts back into the past.  With just these two planets moving forward we could expect this month’s energy to improve significantly.

The second half of the month appears to be more intense than the first half that’s because we’ll have Mercury entering Scorpio, Mars going direct, a New Moon in Scorpio, Venus enters Scorpio, and the transition of the Sun from Scorpio into Sagittarius, and finally, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini at the end of the month.

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timeSteve Rother – Greetings from Home.

I’m Elrah of rhythmic service. I’ve come to join you today to take you on a journey and tell you a little bit about the next several months ahead on planet Earth. The first four months of 2019 are going to be huge for all of humanity because you have an opportunity to layout the general direction for the next 20 years.

Now, does that mean that you can’t change things after re-setting the course? Yes, you can change things at any time you like. You can shift a lot of energy, for you’re on the planet to free choice. Yet there are openings and energetic time frames that are superior for making some of these changes that you’ve always wanted to make.

Now I will tell you what is happening from the larger aspect of things. You’re probably all wondering what is going on in this world, especially what has happened to your politics and governments. Continue reading