The Space Between No Longer And Not Yet

destinyLorna Bevan – As predicted, these End Days through to January 2021 are presenting every single one of us with a critical Rite of Passage to navigate. This post-election week is going to be a doozy for everyone, not just those in the US who are seeing their karmic Pluto return playing out in front of their eyes.

Mars turn direct in Aries kicking up a Mars Max storm, the 3rd Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn takes everything to extremes, intensified by a seismic Super New Moon in Scorpio which opens the November 30th eclipse rabbit hole.

Expect break outs, bust ups, burn outs and breakthroughs

On November 12th, the 3rd and final conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn will deliver the truth of what we’ve learnt or failed to learn from the Saturn/Pluto lockdown and the preceding years of entitlement and consumerism. This final merger of the Great Eliminator and the Expansionist brings hard won opportunity through facing the reality of permanent transformation. It also spells the downfall – through hubris – of any person, group or organisation abusing power.

What to expect? Think in terms of Extreme Magnification – Jupiter dramatizes everything he touches – good or bad. Jupiter in astrology is the expansive planet of wisdom and knowledge, big picture thinking and the broadening of horizons.

Pluto is a planet of extremes. Pluto makes big things small and small things big. When you combine the Cosmic Santa Claus with the Lord of the Underworld all kinds of things can happen. You can get a phenomenal (Pluto) understanding of the Universe (Jupiter) – as in the current pandemic face to face encounter with the fragility of life and the Law of Impermanence.

You can also get a gigantic (Jupiter) push towards finding meaning in the ashes of the old (Pluto). Square Awakener Eris at 23° Aries, this powerful energy of social and political disruption is all about breaking down to breakthrough.

Now that the planet of life force Mars is turning forward on November 13th in Aries opposite Venus you have an opportunity to redefine how you respond to life’s challenges, through a makeover or rebirth of your self-expression in the world. Rather than unconsciously reacting in a fear-based fight-or-flight mode, it’s time to become audacious, brave, instinctual, passionate and focused. Find your individual center of Self, Center and Power and live from there.

The Super New Moon in Scorpio November 15 2020 is the 2nd Super New Moon in two months, accelerating endings and sowing the seeds of new beginnings. Its seismic window is potent from the 12th through the 18th. This is an extreme lunar alignment stirring up especially powerful tides in the atmosphere, seas and crust of our home planet.

Expect strong storms with high winds, flooding and/or earth movements. This is also a Mars Max storm as the Warrior turns forward in fiery Aries, intensifying psychological and emotional extremes. The New Moon aligns with Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune all aspecting the karmic Node of Fate.

This is Edge Walking between Destiny and Free Will

The Chandra Symbol for Jupiter/Pluto 22 Capricorn: A bare altar covered with black velvet

“Sometimes a surrender is asked. A greater power is at work behind the scenes here.

That power is immense, world-shattering and with relentless fury, it will not let us be. For we are meant to be forged and fashioned into something beyond the grasp of our old historical self.

We are being asked to supersede the old patterns and syndromes with something which is already well on its way and just needs our blessing to fulfill its cycle of deep change here.

This is a decisive point, personally and collectively. It can go either way. There are good reasons to hold back, to hold out. Yet timing is so very crucial.

At the last moment, when everything depends upon it, the idols topple; the power-heavy way of life is suddenly gone.”  Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Nov 2020

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