A Surge In One Hundred Dollar Bills…

circulationJoseph P Farrell – This is a strange story, and many people sent various versions of it, so I decided to blog about it, because as one might expect, I have a rather different high octane speculation “take” to offer than the usual conventional analysis. But let me select two versions of this story, the first shared by Ms. C.V., and the second by Ms. K.M. The story concerns a sudden surge in U.S. $100 dollar notes in circulation:

What In The World Is Happening This Week?

There’s been a mysterious surge in $100 bills in circulation, possibly linked to global corruption

Now, you’ll note that in the Corbett Report version of the story, the hypothesis is advanced that the only prior time there was such a surge in $100 notes in circulation was prior to 9/11: Continue reading

Rescue your money mindset from negative influences

money mindsetJaime Mintun – Okay let’s dive right into this…

Your money mindset represents your overall conscious AND subconscious way of relating to money, abundance, and success… and also your self-worth related to these.

Even with our modern habits of positive thinking, affirmations, and creative solution-finding, the majority of people still struggle with money.

Here’s why…

Money is a very personal and intimate energy…

Have you ever wondered why money feels so darned personal?

More than any other energy or area of life, money tends to be the primary way people define their self-worth, deservingness, talent, and ability to be loved. Continue reading

Money Returns to Me Multiplied

moneyAA Gabriel – You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

This energy from the Divine Source, which is called money, has the same properties inherent in it that any of God’s gifts have, such as Love and Joy. It is the strong energy of Life Force, which you can tap into, in order to receive the blessings of abundant cash flow.

One easy way to make yourself more available to money is by creating thoughts of unlimited resources in your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. When you entertain thoughts of lack, of “not enough” in your life, this translates in your world as not enough money to meet your needs. A shift in your thinking is necessary before you can attract an abundant level of income to yourself.

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Raising Our Vibration: Releasing Blocks to Abundance

moneyRachel Horton White – Do you notice how you sometimes feel the urge to retreat, to reflect, regroup and maybe even push the “reset” button on your life? And then, how often do you actually do this before the fears kick in? Usually these fears are about not doing enough, making money, missing out on something, or the pesky little voice telling ourselves what we “should” be doing. How often does this happen to you?

In this energetic shift to a new way of being in our lives and in the world, there is no road map. We are entering a new consciousness, a new type of living. It is not an overnight shift. Just as flowers take time to blossom, we are still in the germination phase. The seeds have been planted. The sprouted seedling is starting to pop through the surface.

We can see hopeful changes occurring in our world. Kids are learning about yoga and mindfulness in school, workplaces are bringing in people like me(imagine that!) to talk with employees about creating new habits and quieting their minds. People (well, some at least) are getting tired of being tethered to their smartphones and seeking to “unplug” more and more. Just yesterday at the park, I observed parents playing with their kids, and rarely did a phone pop out. A person on his lunch break stopped and touched the leaves on the tree. Another man was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, smiling with his face up towards the sun. Continue reading

Angel apps

moneyThe Angels – You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent.

When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don’t collide.

The same power that harmonizes entire ecosystems loves you in ways you cannot possibly comprehend. This Source wants to help create greater love and order in your lives too. However, you were given the gift of free will. You are not robots, lovingly controlled by the Source, compelled by your design to live in order and harmony, as with all of nature. Continue reading