Our primary problem: Americans have forgotten God

Americans have forgotten GodJerry Newcombe – It’s a cliché to say that this is the most important election in our lifetime. But I really feel strongly that this is the most important election in our lifetime.

There is so much at stake. Above all is the question of whether we will continue as one nation under God. Will we embrace America as founded, or will we completely jettison all pretense of our national motto – In God we Trust?

I think our problems can be traced back to this simple truth: We have forgotten God. That’s why all these bad things are happening to us.

Founding Father Patrick Henry warned, “It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.” Continue reading

LGBTQ: Forcing Us to Embrace Evil, Destructive Lies

LLGBTQ loyd Marcus – Someone asked, “What is behind the LGBTQ agenda?”  The goal of LGBTQ enforcers is to forcibly normalize their lifestyle in the minds of the 97% of the population that is not LGBTQ.  This is why we are bombarded with the LGBTQ lifestyle inserted into everything.  Why are major corporations making the promotion of LGBTQ, which are less than 3% of the population, their top priority?

A Disney theme park TV ad featured two homosexual couples with children without showing a single heterosexual couple.  Why is Disney so intent on appeasing this minute 3%?

Converse launched a new line of shoes celebrating the LGBTQ lifestyle.  The star of Converse’s depraved marketing campaign is an 11-year-old drag queen.  Converse says its campaign shows the power of expressing one’s true self.  That is a lie.  Converse is encouraging children to live a lie, rather than embrace who they truly are.  Converse is engaged in child abuse.  Pure and simple.  Lord help us. Continue reading

The Liberal Hypocrites Who Want to Be Our Moral Betters

hypocrisyMick O’Rourke – Watching the recent and laughably hypocritical social media authorities’ crackdown on “hate speech” (which means “speech that we don’t like”), one is reminded strikingly of a confrontation recorded in the Gospels between Jesus Christ and the Pharisees.  Christ directed attention to the longstanding Pharisaical pretension to be just and holy men, although He in His omniscience saw them privately indulging in the very vices they publicly condemned:

Blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.  Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness[.] … So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matt. 11:23–27)

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Democrats Are the Party of Destruction

This seal now has new meaning

Eileen F. Toplansky – The first image that came to mind after viewing the 2019 expression of exultant joy by New York Democrat representatives when Governor Cuomo called for a constitutional amendment to shore up abortion for New Yorkers was the 1939 jubilation by the German Reichstag when Hitler asserted that the end of world Jewry was his ultimate goal.

In both cases, the elation was about death.  It is not really surprising, since it is becoming patent that the “D” in Democrat stands also for “destruction.”  Democrats may couch their destructive tendencies in euphemisms like “social justice” and “women’s rights,” but one thing is clear: there is no objection from any Democrats as the party embraces the most radical left-wing ideology, meant to result in the demise of America.  Success is to be destroyed; advancement is to be suppressed.  Babies are expendable. Hubris under the cloak of social justice slogans runs amok. Continue reading

The Dissipation Of Moral Energies


Paul Rosenberg – Roughly 98% of us have a deep-rooted connection to morality. Even confirmed criminals routinely say things like, “That ain’t right,” which is purely a moral judgment. However well or poorly we use it, nearly all of us hold morality as a central reference.

And this is true across nearly the whole sweep of life. Take a hard look into any workplace and you’ll find that nearly every interaction is tied to some form of moral judgment: “He didn’t treat me with proper courtesy,” “She’s arrogant,” “That’s a man you can respect,” and so on.

Nearly everyone thinks in moral terms: what’s fair, whether or not others keep their word, who has a right to what, and so on[1]. All of these are moral judgments, and they reveal the inherent moral focus of our race. We are morally-focused creatures by nature.

Opposition to Morality

Our present world, however, is an adverse environment for morality. This becomes obvious once we observe two simple facts: Continue reading