Collective Vibrations Are Rising

morphogenic bodySteve Rother – Greetings, dear ones. I am eM. I am overjoyed to be joining you to look upon planet Earth and all the incredible changes that are taking place. The Earth retains its own balance.

As you move in one direction, the opposite direction automatically increases to find a natural balance. You are starting to make major advances in areas that we had been watching very carefully. We see humanity’s base vibration rising more than you could possibly know. Now we tell you, if you’ve watched the news lately, know that you’re going to get only one side of anything. It doesn’t mean that the news is tainted or inaccurate. What we see is the actual vibratory rate, not the reaction of that vibratory rate. What is happening is that the vibrations are starting to rise again, which is the result of many things. Continue reading