They’re Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything [Video]

They're Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything Greg Hunter – Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA.

Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines.  Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything. Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax.

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Proof COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites [Video]

COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic ParasitesAlexandra Bruce – Karen Kingston joins Stew Peters to discuss how she’s discovered the whole lie behind COVID-19.

She says, “the greatest lie that we were told is that the “novel coronavirus”…COVID-19 was caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this mRNA gain-of-function virus.

“And we were told that it could infect people and it was highly-infectious. Unfortunately for people that have been propagating this lie, the body of scientific evidence, scientific experts, government documents and the inventor of SARS-CoV-2, himself, Ralph Baric has clearly stated that, all mRNA viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 are impossible to achieve human-to-human infection. Continue reading

Former HHS Advisor Reveals MRNA Vaccines Are Bioweapons

Former HHS Advisor Reveals MRNA Vaccines Are BioweaponsLeague of Power – Dr. Paul E. Alexander, an epidemiology expert who served as a Senior Advisor to COVID Pandemic policy for HHS after doing work for the World Health Organization, said that the reality is that the mRNA vaccines are in reality, “biological weapons.”

Alexander worked with Dr. Fauci and others as part of the initial COVID response team but has since been sounding the alarm about what’s really going on, including the government’s dangerous efforts to suppress powerful therapeutics in favor of an experimental vaccine. Continue reading

Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Are Murdering CV19 Patients [Video]

Elizabeth EadsGreg Hunter – Dr. Elizabeth Eads is back to update us from the front lines of medicine. Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is witnessing the horror stories of treating the unvaxed who have been made sick by the “Fully Vaccinated.”

The carnage continued after the vaxed and unvaxed got together for Thanksgiving. They showed up in her North Florida emergency rooms the next day with all sorts of trouble from the injections that Eads simply calls “bioweapons.”

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