Musical Numbers

musicJill Mattson – This is the first of a three part series of how numbers underneath music changed throughout the ages. In ancient times, numbers were NOT thought of as tools for adding and subtracting, but possessing energy that affected consciousness. For example, the “one” energy would be that of a loner or a leader, while the “two” energy represented the energy of a partnership of a couple. In this way as the numbers underneath music changed mankind got the opportunity to master and experience difference energies or states of consciousness!

The Sounds of Civilizations

“Sounds can control civilizations!” wrote ancient officials. An outrageous idea at first glance, but many ancient dynasties lasted thousands of years, while we grow tired of our president in merely four years. Continue reading

Tune Into the Music of Life … and Dance!

musicSimon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone – After a long period of adjustment and integration, recent lunar cycles have offered some energetic rest and restoration, allowing us to to finally move with greater ease and flow, to start creating sustainable growth, and to anchor our new values and ideals into our lives. From that space, the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on August 11th invited us to go beyond the social conditioning that stifles our uniqueness, and to actively nourish and cultivate our own ‘lost’ sense of inner wholeness, presence and personal fulfillment.

Now, as the energy of [August 25] Full Moon in Pisces takes shape, we are invited to honour the growth and maturity we have gained from these stifling experiences, find guidance toward fulfillment from our sensory and intuitive perception, and create space for a new and creative cycle in our evolution to begin!

This is a time to tune into the music of life’s flow, find your rhythm, and start dancing! You may not know the steps at first, but – trust yourself – you will surely feel them as they arrive. Continue reading

It’s Official, Music Does Make You Smarter

musicJoseph P Farrell – I have to blog about this story shared by Mr. M.D., because it’s near and dear to my heart and mind: Music. I get questions quite often from people asking me something to the effect of “where did you learn to connect dots so well?” And it’s true, I do like connecting dots. Whether I do it well or not is for other people to decide, but I do know that I enjoy doing it.

In any case, my answer is always along the lines that it was my musical training, especially the fact that it was on the organ, from age six, that did it. It is an instrument which, like playing drums, demands a high degree of mind-body coordination, feet, hands, everything, including working out the puzzles of how to finger and pedal through difficult passages. That’s half the fun.

But the other half is that it does do something to the brain, and hence, to the mind (and no, I do not equate the two). Music is, in effect, a soft form of mind control, even of wiring the “hard circuits” of the brain:

Music improves your brain: Study finds musicians are better at solving problems and making decisions

The first four paragraphs here say it all: Continue reading

Music: The Language of Spirit

“If we can feel that it is not our voice, not our fingers, but some reality deep inside our heart which is expressing itself, then we will know that it is the soul’s music.” – Sri Chinmoy

Sri ChinmoyWes Annac – Have you ever picked up a guitar or put in your favorite CD and let the music carry you away to a place of bliss and ecstasy? Most people might not understand where this euphoric feeling comes from, but in my opinion, it comes from an innately spiritual place. Music elevates our consciousness and introduces us to a spiritual reality that’s comprised of pure sound and color, and this is why it appeals to so many people. There’s obviously something mystical about music.

Music is a universal, metaphysical language that we can tap into and use to lighten our vibration, and uplift anyone who hears our joyful, melodic sounds. Plenty of people feel there’s more to music than meets the eye (ear), and we’ll get the most out of it if we can open up and consider that it could actually be spiritual.

It’s quickly becoming a way of life for me, and I can’t go too long without picking up my Yamaha FG800 guitar and singing something. Plenty of other people can say the same, and there’s a reason so many people have dedicated themselves to music throughout the ages. They’ve been uplifted by it, and they’ve realized (if not consciously, then subconsciously) that it’s one of the most direct paths back into a higher vibration. Continue reading

How Your Favorite Songs May Regenerate Your Brain and Act as the Ultimate Adaptogen

musicAli Le Vere, B.S., B.S. – Music, which may be the most ancient human language, has the potential to improve neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders by creating new brain cells and neural connectivity. Not only that, but music restores hormonal and immunological balance in a way mirroring adaptogenic herbs.

The Evolution of Music

Music, the universal language, has been woven into the fabric of human culture since time immemorial. Rather than being a modern human invention, the creation of musical harmonies, using the voice as an instrument, and moving to rhythms may have long been crystallized as part of the human condition.

A historical facet of the human condition, research implicates music in the cementing of social bonds, the establishment of monogamy, and as a primitive mode of communication (1). In fact, by forging social communion and engendering a sense of group identity, music may have been foundational to the emergence of large-scale pre-human civilizations (1).

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