How To Build Tolerance And Strength Against Archonic Implantation

implantsEric Raines –  I am constantly finding people asking what to do in your life pre/post extraction, and honestly it’s pretty much the same thing.

Before having implants removed, we are pretty much unaware of the influences on us and our environment through this etheric manipulation, and blindly react to our internal stimuli. Unless you are already well developed on your path to becoming a genuinely loving and compassionate person, you probably haven’t noticed the frequency and intensity of these distracting thoughts and emotions in your everyday life and are remaining a puppet to the outside control.

Energy workers/healers all have run into these parasites and probably have never put 2 and 2 together with what is actually happening…. In a Reiki session, sometimes we notice dark sticky spots inside the energetic body of a person. Sometimes we can feel them latch onto us and jump up our arm to settle inside of us.

Awareness of something happening doesn’t mean we can prevent it, especially when the motivations of the implants (I prefer to call them parasites, ticks or fleas) are unknown to us, as well as defensive exercises and energetic barriers used to remove and repel them are unknown as well. I am here to shatter the falsehoods and teach all of us how to become immune.

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Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You?

negativeMichelle Walling, CHLC – Those of us who continue to raise our vibration are moving away from the realm where we can be energetically attacked. Because of this, the AI/Draco/Reptilian/Archontic agenda has ramped up to affect those around us. This ploy is designed to attempt to lower our vibration through interpersonal contact with those that we have contact with in our lives.

To get to a place where you can no longer be triggered by negativity and Archontic programming, it takes a lot of grounding and centering through connecting with your higher self within, as well as communing with Source. It takes declaring your sovereignty and being aware of situations that opened you up to the gremlins. Keeping a hard core golden aura barrier in tact is a guaranteed method of protecting yourself and keeping the door locked to influence. Raising your vibration above the level of the archontic programming is key.

However, as we do this, we also increase our light quotient and set off the monitoring alarms for the negative beings who are keeping track of the light quotient. The focus now turns to trying to diminish your light so that the overall minimum required light quotient that we are holding will be affected in the collective human consciousness.

It is obvious to me that the Archontic forces are desperate. They have many tools with which to attack. Just like in the movie The Matrix, anyone in your reality that is not awake and aware can be a host for an “Agent Smith”. In the movie, the artificial intelligence of the matrix can “jump” in and out of any human body. There is also evidence that disembodied entities (people who have died and have stayed Earthbound) can jump into a human body. I have recently been told about the etheric “alien torture devices” that can cause pain or even put obsessive and recurring thoughts into someone’s mind. Finally, Reptilians have to ability to merge in and out of a human body as well.

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How to Remove Negative (Foreign) Energy

Sarah Petruno – During the day, each and every one us picks up on the emotions, feelings, and thoughts of others.

Because everything that exists is made of up energy, we can think of these things as energy.

energyAnything that you pick up that is not of your own creation, we collectively refer to them as “foreign energy.” Any emotion, thought, physical pain or feeling that you sense during the day that is not yours is simply a foreign energy.

Emotional energy is frequently given labels like negative or positive energy, and these energy types actually represent positions on a spectrum of energy of human emotion.

Low vibrational energy is often called negative energy and includes emotions like anger, hostility, sadness, fear, guilt, and resentment.

High vibrational energy is often called positive energy and includes emotions like happiness, joy, compassion, and love.

High or low, if it doesn’t come from you, it doesn’t belong to you and we call it a foreign energy.
Foreign emotional energy from others can affect how you feel, often making you feel worse.

Because of this, It’s best to remove this foreign energy from you before it has a chance to change your mood, emotions, or health.

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Cleanse Yourself From The Negativity Of Other People

Limitless Minds – If you are a highly empathetic person, you are willing to listen to others, understand and support them. But often you cannot protect yourself from other people’s negative emotions and energy. Therefore, compassion, no matter how good it sounds, it may show the other face.

It’s Important to Keep Your Energy

negative energyMost people want to be in the company of empathetic person because it makes them feel recognized and accepted. But being empathetic may be a source of great difficulties. Other people’s trouble can totally block us and often we are not in a position to react and fix the situation that we were upset about. That’s why is important to set boundaries between yourself and others, and realize when a healthy understanding and acceptance of other people’s feelings becomes our problem.

If you identify yourself as a highly empathetic person, it is good to take some action so you won’t be upset about things that have nothing to do with you. Keep the energy for yourself and people you love, and don’t let this information, energy and emotions to enter into your system and draw your strength. Try to do that, through these 8 steps:

1. Explain it to Yourself

When your good mood suddenly changes, when emotions like fear, pain, sadness and anger raise, ask yourself – whom did you interact last; what information have you received from the environment; did you attend any unpleasant events. If yes, try to explain to yourself that the emotions you have are not yours, but you absorbed them from the outside. If you are in a position to change someone’s situation, help, comfort or consult them, do that, but if you are not in that position, tell yourself that there is nothing you can do about it and concentrate on yourself. Free yourself from the negative emotions, because you cannot help anyone, neither yourself if you are feeling bad. If you continue to go through all the feelings of others, you are exhausting your strength, rather than investing it in something constructive.

2. Look Deeper Inside

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Psychic Vampires and the Use of Etheric Energy

negativeSateen C. – Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational frequencies, which is what attracts the many events that occur in your day-to-day life. Psychic vampires have learned to give out and control these frequencies which allow them to remain in the form they are in.

Energy comes in many different colors and forms and every emotion that is created gives out a specific type of energy that differentiates itself from the other types created.

Let’s talk about energy that is created by positive actions. For instance, creating a positive emotion in someone by doing something nice for the person is a way to get positive energy forming. When you create a positive emotion in someone, you are allowing the person you are creating that emotion with, to release positive energy which can come in the colors of yellows, pinks, oranges, purples, greens, etc. It varies with the person and the positive emotion being felt. This is the kind of energy you want to create. While it does take longer and more work to create this kind of energy, the results in the long run are much more rewarding and you will feel better physically.

When feeding off the positive energy created, you will feel the positive emotions of that person you are feeding off of. Same goes if you are feeding off the energy provided by things in nature like trees for instance. If you take energy from the tree, give energy back to it.

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