Positivity and Negativity – the Unknown Link Between a Healthy Mind and Body

meditatePositivity and negativity are two aspects of your thought processes that can affect overall wellness and health. Scientists and research conducted by renowned health organizations like the Mayo Clinic accept that thinking good thoughts can lower stress levels and build mental strength and fortitude to overcome the worst situations in your life.

On the other hand, self-demeaning thoughts can take away happiness and make it hard to be appreciative of the wonderful things happening to you.

Positivity and Negativity – Identifying Your Thoughts

Positivity is all about the trains of thoughts that run through your mind. Each time you’re faced with situations, view them in a good way and analyze them in a controlled and analytic method. You’ll see the advantages of why the situation is happening and how the outcomes will bring more good things. Accept the bad stuff as a challenge to tackle as best as you can. Continue reading

Breathe In Love And Light, Exhale Negativity

breatheKari Ghanem – How many times have we heard others say “breathe in love and light and breathe out negativity”? I have always been fascinated by this statement. It is used so many times in our spiritual communities whether it be yoga, workshops, meditation or the like. Yet one question has always remained for me.

If we are to breathe in love and light and healing yet our out breath contains negativity and hurt, what are we actually filling up our space with for our next breath? To me, it seems that if the masses around the world are breathing out negativity then although we proclaim to breathe in love and light are we not actually breathing in that which we have exhaled? Continue reading

It is often our interactions with others that bring crisis into our lives

negativityVeronica – When one incarnates into physical reality it’s not just the environment that one has to maneuver through.  Often other incarnates we encounter can bring crisis and dilemma along with them.

Sometimes they project whatever trauma they feel upon you.  Sometimes their ‘stuff’ can derail the harmony you are attempting to create.  It can become frustrating to continuallyc.

There can be emotional/mental pain thrust upon your energy when others decide to project more and more.  Sometimes the individual may not realize what they are doing.  In their quest to find relief they can be blind to the plight of others.  The singular focus upon themselves is all they can visualize. Continue reading

Lift Your Emotions at Any Single Moment You Choose

negativityLife Coach Code – While meditation is a great way to feel better and lighter, there are just some days that you are unable to find time and place for it. Or, you need to lift your emotions at that exact instant.

Instead of fretting about failing to manage your emotions when you most need to, there are some ways which you can use to instantly improve your feelings.

3 Instant Ways To Lift Your Emotions at Any Single Moment:

Appreciate more.

In addition to being grateful for the things that you have, show your appreciation for these things. Voice out what you appreciate in your partner, your home or your workplace. Continue reading

Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Negative Thought

Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one you feed it more will rule over the other. ― Oscar Bimpong

lifeAlex Gendron – The mind plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the body. This serves as the control center that manages thoughts and emotions. It should be properly handled and taken cared of at all times to ensure its optimum performance.

People may go through several life-changing experiences that can greatly affect the well-being of the person. This may lead to either positive or negative thought. Positive vibes lead to a better and enhanced personality. However, negative thoughts may lead to stress and even depression.

How to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thinking

Negative thinking is very unhealthy and sometimes detrimental. Attention should be given to carefully handle the situation. Below are some of the helpful ways that can be done to help in clearing the mind of all the negative thinking. Continue reading