Entropy and Negentropy

energyLisa Renee – Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, and as such they are interchangeable. Energy is directed through many intelligent systems in which it either contracts or expands to lower or increase its frequency rate. When energy continually contracts, it is decreasing in amount through losses of energy, which lowers the frequency rate. When energy continually expands, it is increasing in amount through gains of energy, which heightens the frequency rate.  Our spiritual bodies are also systems of consciousness energy, thus they also lose or increase energy depending on many different factors.  We will attempt to drill down a bit further, into these factors and exposures, sourcing from both personal and impersonal forces.

Everything has an energetic signature and is composed of spectra of frequency arranged in form holding blueprints.  Our blueprint and Lightbody is an energetic system. For the Lightbody to be constricted and losing energy, the person is choosing destructive behaviors and/or is exposed to lower frequencies, which lose or leak energy. For the Lightbody to expand and increase energy, the person is choosing positive behaviors and/or is exposed to higher frequencies, which maintain or gain energy.

All systems, including the earth body, and human bodily systems, require sources of energy in order to function well. Further, they require consistent sources of energy in order to evolve, expand and progress in consciousness over time. During the chaotic transformation happening on the earth, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source powering a system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated from, and if there are excessive expenditures of energy or energy drains, through destructive behaviors of consumptive modeling.

As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention is being amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. The question we need to ask is, “Where is our personal energy being drained and where is our energy being supported and restored?”

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