What You Think is Controlled by What You Watch, and What You Watch is Controlled by the Elite

newsMichael Snyder – Why do you believe what you believe? Some people have a really solid answer to that question, but much of the population never thinks much about deeper questions such as this.

In fact, for most Americans it is simply easier to let others do their thinking for them.

Today, most of us spend multiple hours each day absorbing information through a screen, and most of the content that is fed to us through our televisions, phones, tablets and computers is controlled by the elite. And if you allow anyone to feed information into your mind for several hours every day, it is going to have a dramatic impact on how you view the world. Continue reading

Biased Media Hit with Layoffs, Leftists Media Sources Collapsing [Video]

woke newsThey say that no news is good news. Today, what you’re about to read and hear is the good news. America has found its tolerance limit for fake news and opinion journalism.

In fact, we found that limit a couple of years ago. Mainstream media has been in decline since before President Trump even won the election, and now, they’re circling the drain. Once they’re gone, maybe they can be replaced by people and companies that actually value the truth.

The big companies like Disney, NBC and Universal invested heavily in woke news outlets. For a little while, it looked like they had struck gold. Young progressives were excited to hear their flawed beliefs parroted by seemingly legitimate media. They rallied behind the new, trendy, woke news, and things looked good for the parent companies. Continue reading

‘Most Mainstream Journalists Are Now Democrat Activists’

Lara Logan

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Former CBS News chief foreign affairs reporter Lara Logan has admitted that most mainstream journalists have become Democrat activists.

During an appearance on the Mike Drop podcast, Logan admitted that “the media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just the U.S.,” adding that it is impossible for viewers to decipher if what they are being told is truthful or not.

Zerohedge.com reports: “85% of journalists are registered Democrats,” Logan said. “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life. Continue reading

Biggest Story of Year is Media Dishonesty and Hatred of American Public

Joe Hoft – The mainstream media is officially dead, over, finished. Not one MSM outlet is reporting on the coup d’état that the deep state, Mueller and the Democrats are hoping takes place.  Not one reports on the massive corruption and criminal acts taking place at the FBI, DOJ and other government agencies.

The MSM doesn’t just report bogus news, it has become the biggest player in the destruction of America!

Recently Lou Dobbs and former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed the latest developments in the Mueller witch hunt and Barack Obama’s latest tour across Asia to attack sitting President Trump.

Ambassador Bolton: They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate. Continue reading