The “News” Is Content-Free

newsCharles Hugh Smith – The “news” has loomed large in The News–a classic self-referential loop in which the media itself becomes its own content. While the controversy over what constitutes “fake news” and “real news” has itself become “the news,” the cold reality is all “news,” “real” or otherwise, is content-free.

The “news” is so devoid of content that a simple software program could assemble a semi-random daily selection of headlines, scrolling banners, and radio/TV “news” reports from a pool of typical “news” stories and insert a bit of context (local highways that are congested, rough neighborhoods where shootings occur, names of local authorities, etc.), and the consumer of “news” would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the randomly generated “news” and the “real news.”

Here’s a taste of the Random Content-Free News Generator Application that would produce “news” that was virtually indistinguishable from the “real” news.

Traffic is backed up near the (insert the usual congestion point) on the I-XX (local Interstate/highway). (TV/video: show randomly selected video clip of slow-moving traffic).

A serious accident occurred on I-XX (TV newscasters look somber if the wreck resulted in fatalities.) Continue reading

Malicious Media Onslaught on Cultural Veracity


SARTRE – It has long been known that the concentration of media ownership and the staffing for their “political correctness” message on broadcast, cable, printed press and on the vast majority of establishment internet outlets is filled by committed destroyers of the American Constitution and traditional Western Civilization moral values. With the resounding defeat of the globalist cabal with the Presidential election of Donald Trump, the rats that propagate the propaganda echo chamber for cultural distortion are working overtime to hold onto their fading indoctrination influence. Now the latest catch phrase is to stamp out fake-news.

How rich is this perversion of the truth? The Pharisees of newspeak are telling us that they are the only gatekeeper, who will define what news is acceptable for dissemination. Censorship is the last recourse when independent thinking people reject the cultural narrative of an anti Christian society.

The desperate meltdown that the mainstream pundits from institutional corporatist media proves that they are in total denial. By doubling down and maintaining their treachery after the heartland rebuffed their political spin, is proof positive that the urban metro liberalism refuses to accept any return to a law and order society. Let the record attest that any rebellion or terrorist violence that develops during the Trump administration would come directly out of the play book of Saul D. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

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Major media build a universe for Hillary

Jon Rappoport – The other day I wandered over to the New York Times to see what their front page looked like.

My, my. It was another universe.

Instead, in this alternate NY Times universe, Trump’s campaign was falling apart. He was singlehandedly destroying the Republican Party and endangering upcoming Senate and House races. Hillary’s poll numbers were in good shape and her campaign was moving in the direction of an expected victory. And to top it off, one of the Times’ potato-head columnists burped out an op-ed about Trump’s “sad, lonely world.”

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

After I recovered, my first thought was: The Times is running cover for a vote-rig on election night: “As expected, Hillary Clinton cruised to an easy victory, sweeping nearly 30 states…”

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New Poll Shows Only 6% of People Trust The Mainstream Media

Joseph Jankowski – At this point, most Americans are aware of the staggering dishonesty and reality twisting that the mainstream, corporate news media engages in on a daily basis.

And it is showing.

Numbers released by Pew Research show that major news channels like CNN, Fox News and MSNBC are in a decline of prime time viewers.

Even reporters within the major networks have admitted that the media has been corrupted by political and corporate interests.

This is what former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson had to say:

There is unprecedented, I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and corporations. I think all of that comes into play.

But if there was any indication that the mainstream press has no credibility and is on its way to extinction, this latest poll is it.

From the Associated Press:

Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans’ skepticism about what they read on social media.

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents. Continue reading

News Channels Are Terror Delivery Systems; Politicians Are Terror Exploitation Specialists

politiciansPaul Rosenberg – Terrorists need news channels and vice-versa. Politicians need terrorists and vice-versa. There’s a symbiosis between these three that works like this:

Terrorists create and feed off of fear.

News channels deliver fear to the masses.

Politicians use fear to get what they want.

Some people may object to these facts being specified, but they’re true just the same.

Private and Public Opportunism

In this symbiosis, we see the rapacious natures of both the public and private sectors. I’ll begin by picking on the private sector.

I believe deeply in free markets, but if the participants don’t bring morality and decency into their markets, plenty of ugliness will remain. Free markets, after all, are ad hoc mechanisms of interaction, and nothing more. A market contains only the morality that its participants carry into it.

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