Pre-Programming For The Matrix? MSM Pushing Idea Trump And Brexit Prove We’re Living In A Simulation

simulationMelissa Dykes – The story you are about to read has nothing to do with liberal bias, although the establishment media sure wants you to think that in order to keep everyone fighting amongst themselves on political lines (or racial lines, or sexual identity lines or any lines they can bait people into fighting with each other on right about now).

The establishment is really pushing the idea (and has been for months now) that we are living in a computer simulation like the one depicted in the film The Matrix.

Even Bank of America analysts were coming out saying there was a 50% chance it was true several months back… why would bank analysts be doing that?

Now the Daily Mail is pushing some “expert” opinion that definitely says the Trump presidency and Brexit may prove we are living in a simulated world. It starts all dramatically like this: Continue reading

Full/Uncut Interview With Former “Deep State” NSA Operative [Video]

Very interesting interview with NSA agent. Well worth a listen – Gillian

How America Was Being SYSTEMATICALLY Overthrown In 12 Steps…Until Trump

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SF Source Right Wing News! March 2017


Can Trump Take Back The Presidency From The CIA?

Paul Craig Roberts – If Trump intends to survive, he must break the CIA into a thousand pieces as President John F. Kennedy intended before the CIA assassinated him. Trump must arrest for treason the neoconservatives and put them on trial. Trump must curtail NSA’s spying, which is in complete violation of the US Constitution, on all communications of all Americans. Trump’s oath of office is to the Constitution, not to war on the American public. Trump must ban all presstitute print and TV media from White House press conferences and only give credentials to the alternative Internet media. The print and TV media are operatives of the CIA and are totally devoid of integrity. Indeed, perhaps the presstitutes should be arrested for treason and put on trial along with the neoconservatives and the CIA.

If Trump fails to take these decisive actions, he is too weak to achieve any change.

The McClatchy news service is the only element in the mainstream media that sometimes reports honestly. Below is a McClatchy report that a Russian tech expert, whose name was used to give credibility to the notorious fake news dossier, says the dossier is a fake report.

“A Russian tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.”

McClatchy newspapers
January 11, 2016
Russian tech expert named in Trump report says US intelligence never contacted him
McClatchy Washington Bureau

A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.

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Hacks May Have Been By AMERICAN Insider

Washington’s Blog – Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said today:

It is not at all clear to me, just viewing this from the outside, that this hacking into the DNC and the RNC was not a false flag operation.


If you think the Russians did this, then why did they leave fingerprints?

We would want to know who else might want to influence the election and why they would leave fingerprints that point to the Russians. That’s why I say until we know more about how the intelligence community came to this conclusion we don’t know whether it is Russian inspired or a false flag.

What’s he talking about?

The NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, who managed six thousand NSA employees, the 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency and the NSA’s best-ever analyst and code-breaker, who mapped out the Soviet command-and-control structure before anyone else knew how, and so predicted Soviet invasions before they happened (“in the 1970s, he decrypted the Soviet Union’s command system, which provided the US and its allies with real-time surveillance of all Soviet troop movements and Russian atomic weapons”) – says that Russia probably would not have used a “known” hacking method to gather and then leak DNC emails to sway the election.

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Worried Your Emails Might Be Spied On? Here’s What You Can Do

encryptionMonique Mann – We live in a post-Edward Snowden world, in which US tech companies have been accused of complicity in mass surveillance by the US National Security Agency (NSA). One recent allegation is the claim that Yahoo scanned hundreds of millions of emails at the NSA’s request.

We don’t truly know how much or how often this is happening within the companies that host millions of people’s email accounts.

According to Reuters, Yahoo was ordered by the secret US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to scour emails for a specific string of characters. This is significant, as it required Yahoo to create a custom-built program for real-time surveillance of email traffic.

The power for this type of surveillance was expanded by the US Patriot Act, which allows for the use of secret National Security Letters (NSL) to compel service providers to hand over customer data. The letters come with gag orders, prohibiting companies like Yahoo from even admitting that they have been ordered to monitor customers.

But email scanning does not only occur at the behest of national security agencies. The past decade has seen the rise of “surveillance capitalism” and “data brokers”, who collect your information for behavioural profiling and targeted advertising.

Google has admitted to scanning emails to deliver targeted advertising and customised search results. Facebook is currently facing legal action for scanning private messages to do the same. And earlier this year Yahoo itself settled a class action lawsuit for scanning non-Yahoo customer emails without consent.

Protecting your privacy

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