A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred

ObamaPaul Craig Roberts – The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe. Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces.

Perhaps among Obama’s advisors there are a few who are not drowning in hubris and can
understand this seachange. Sputnik news reports that some high-level security advisors to Obama have advised him to withdraw US military forces from Syria and give up his plan to overthrow Assad. They advised Obama to cooperate with Russia in order to stop the refugee flow that is overwhelming Washington’s vassals in Europe. The influx of unwanted peoples is making Europeans aware of the high cost of enabling US foreign policy. Advisors have told Obama that the idiocy of the neoconservatives’ policies threaten Washington’s empire in Europe. Continue reading

The TPP: a monster too big to fail?

For every President, there comes a moment when he does what he has been put into office to do. All prior bets and decisions are off the table. They carry no freight. He knows this. He knows he has no excuses. He has no one to blame. He must win. He must succeed. If he fails, he falls. He falls hard. The electorate? His colleagues, friends, and advisors? His flock of adoring supporters? All dust in the wind. He must do this one thing. He must go as deep and as dark and as crazy as he has to, in order to pull off the crime he was sent in to commit.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

obamaJon Rappoport – Now that all 12 nations have agreed to the text, the US Congress must vote on it. Since the Congress has already granted Obama fast-track authority, no committees will discuss it; no filibustering is permitted; no changes can be made to the text.

Again I stress: Obama was put in the White House to make TPP and similar treaties come to fruition. Failure is not an option.

Obama’s mentor on foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is David Rockefeller’s right-hand man. And David is Globalism personified.

The TPP elevates mega-corporations beyond even their present status: In a nutshell, any threats against international corporate piracy would be adjudicated in private corporate tribunals—so the outcome is completely predictable.

And as with all other Globalist trade treaties (NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc.), more jobs in industrialized nations will move to countries where slave labor is standard operating procedure.

Obama was never about creating more jobs in America. He was and is about Globalism.

Otherwise, there was no way he could have advanced beyond the Illinois State Senate, in his artificial career. Continue reading

Vladimir Putin – Agent of the Awakening?

Zen Gardner – Well, well, well, aren’t we seeing a massive turnaround of late. Putin was so worldsharp, calm and truthful at the UN and other recent speeches and interviews compared to the same old Amerikan false bravado diatribe it was like having a clean shower after swimming through a cesspool.

And the whole free world feels the same.

What I admire about him is his cool demeanor and very artful tact in how he approaches massively sensitive subjects. He has to cloak it in “diplomati-speak” of course to reach the type of audience within those bound up layers of communication, but he does it masterfully. You don’t sense the BS factor and full on propagandized deception you get from the Obamaramadingdong script reading puppet.

I know the  whirled stage is just that, but nothing’s written in stone and there are always “free floating radicals”. Whatever engineered plans are afoot, there’s always plenty of room for error in their programming – as well as their assumption that the rest of the world will automatically buy into it as they imperiously assume.

It reminds me of the Donald Trump phenomenon. At first people thought he’d fizzle and pop and we’d be back to the same old cardboard corporate cut out options in the US theater of absurdity . But now he’s got so much traction, again due to his fresh honesty vs the bullshit factor of mainstream sewage, that the big boys are trying desperately to co-opt the wild Trump card, controlled opposition being their tactic of choice as we know. Now you can watch them scramble to contribute to his popularity – but rest assured they’re busy trying to bore their evil, poisonous beaks into their new would-be host if they can.

The Worm Has Turned

I’m not under any illusion that most of what we are witnessing on a daily basis isn’t massively manipulated. However, humanity is awakening and we cannot limit it in any way, shape or form in how it manifests. The “powers that shouldn’t be” have been imploding for some time while stepping up this almost comical show of force in all forms. Continue reading

A Tale of Two Leaders: Obama vs. Putin at the UNGA

putinMakia Freeman – Watching Obama and Putin at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was a very interesting glimpse into the world of geopolitics and diplomacy. It was a tale of two leaders, or rather a misleader and a leader. Obama delivered the same old hollow rhetoric of “democracy and peace” we’ve come to expect from the US Teleprompter-in-Chief, while Putin was amazingly upfront and honest, though couching his words in diplomatic speech so as to avoid being too confrontational. Putin managed to avoid using the terms “United States” or “America” all the while directing strong admonitions towards the USA, and even asking at one point: “Do you realize what you have done?”

Obama – More Gross Hypocrisy

Obama’s speech praised “cooperation instead of conflict“, a new world system which prevents “bigger countries from imposing its will on smaller countries” and decried those who believe that “might is right“, that “order must be imposed by force” and that “individual rights don’t matter“. As usual, the gross hypocrisy of his speech was starkly evident right from the start. Obama is a fine orator and his words always sound so nice, but it is rare indeed to find his actions matching up to his words. Continue reading

Obama’s Phony War on ISIS

isisStephen Lendman – Obama’s so-called intention to degrade and destroy ISIS is a complete fabrication – a Big Lie blasted worldwide by Western media, concealing what’s really going on.

Washington uses ISIS and other takfiri terrorists as Pentagon foot soldiers, waging war on Assad, wanting another regional country transformed into a US vassal state, no matter the cost in human lives and suffering.

On August 8, 2014, Washington began bombing first Iraqi, then Syrian targets weeks later, not ISIS as claimed, operating illegally without Security Council authorization or permission from Damascus. Heavy pressure forced Baghdad to go along.

The Defense Department claims so-called Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) targets ISIS terrorists, saying “(t)he president has authorized US Central Command to work with partner nations to conduct targeted airstrikes of Iraq and Syria as part of the comprehensive strategy to degrade and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.”

DOD claims nearly $4 billion in operational costs through August 31, 2015, an average daily cost of around $10 million for 389 days of bombing.

Likely double or more this amount was spent. Pentagon waste, fraud and abuse are notorious.

Like the Fed, its operations are unaudited. It operates any way it wishes, a destructive force no one challenges – including none of the current US presidential aspirants, in lockstep with Washington’s imperial recklessness.

DOD’s report on ISIS targets damaged or destroyed was falsified – part of the coverup to conceal its support, waging war on Syria and Iraq, using ISIS and other takfiri terrorist as ground force foot soldiers, the US public entirely deceived about what’s going on.

Despite nearly 14 months of bombing, ISIS is stronger than ever, controlling large areas of Syrian and Iraqi territory, their easily visible columns of Toyota trucks able to move freely, never attacked by US or so-called coalition partners’ air power. Continue reading