October Surprise Coming [w/ Video]

CelenteGreg Hunter – Trends researcher Gerald Celente sees an “October surprise” coming for the economy, terror or war.  Celente contends, “Even that sellout, Mario Draghi (Head of the European Central Bank-ECB) the former head of the Goldman Sachs European division, now playing the ECB President, came out and said the central banks can’t do anymore, and they are looking now for government stimulus.  That’s going to be the new game.

What I am saying is it’s collapsing.  Look what happened in Japan a week and a half ago.  Everybody was waiting for the bank of Japan to play another card, and they had none to play.  So, look for October for things to go bad.


Traditionally, when things go bad in markets, it’s October, and they are going bad now.  By the way, we are now going into the sixth consecutive quarter in the United States with the S&P 500 negative.  Negative earnings in the S&P 500.

The only reason the markets are going up is like Trump said, the cheap dough going in there, stock buybacks and mergers and acquisitions.

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