More Promising News On Olive Oil And The Prevention Of Heart Disease

NaturalSociety | August 25 2012

Exciting research out of Spain indicates just how olive oil may aid in the prevention of heart disease. While the link between this flavorful and versatile oil and heart disease were established some time ago, now we are learning exactly how it can prevent heart disease.

Olive Oil and the Prevention of Heart Disease

According to their study, olive oil actually works at the genetic level, turning off the genes associated with heart disease.

Scientists at the Institut Municipal d’Investigacio Medica used three groups—one which followed a typical Mediterranean-style diet, rich in whole grains, fresh produce and virgin olive oil. The second group had a similar diet, but used a lower grade of olive oil. The third group followed their regular diet.

The group using the virgin olive oil “showed improvement” in those genes related to heart disease and hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis.

The difference between “olive oil” and “virgin olive oil” as used in the study is that the higher grade virgin olive oil has more polyphenols—antioxidants that provide a wealth of health benefits. Even better than virgin olive oil is extra virgin olive oil, containing more phenols, a richer taste, and lower acidity. Extra virgin olive oil for health-related purposes is the ideal choice, even for the prevention of heart disease.

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