Eleven Amazing Superfoods To Pump Up Your Health

NaturalNews  October 13 2013


Much has been said about superfoods in the past, and people are often confused about which ones are best to include in their daily diets. There are a lot of these foods with varying benefits to improve general health and well-being. Certain illnesses are also known to be prevented by eating these foods. What is common among these foods is that they contain more antioxidants than other kinds of foods. Learning what these foods are, how to eat them in safe amounts and what they can do for the body is the best way for people to start including them in their diets.

11 of the Most Popular Superfoods Today

The following are 11 amazing superfoods and some important details about them:

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are highly packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C. Its health benefits include normalization of bowel movement, lowering of cholesterol and blood sugar level control. This fruit has also been found to prevent the onset of cancer, asthma, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases related to aging.

Having a bag of blueberries as a refrigerator staple provides a steady supply of this fruit for use in different foods, including yogurt, fruit salads and porridges. They can also be added to bakery items such as cakes, cinnamon rolls and croissants.

A handful of blueberry fruits would be sufficient for one day.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli’s nutritional components include fiber, calcium, folic acid and vitamins K and C. Vitamin C is a powerful agent against cancer, while vitamin K keeps the blood healthy. Fiber cleans the stomach, and calcium keeps the bones strong. Lastly, folic acid promotes normal development of babies inside the wombs of pregnant mothers.

Broccoli is a great addition to mixed veggie dishes. Stir fry these veggies for a few minutes and then consume right afterwards. Broccoli can also be eaten raw with low-fat dips or hummus. A cup a day of cooked or raw broccoli is adequate. Continue reading

Preserve Memory And Cognitive Abilities By Following A Mediterranean Diet

NaturalNews Thursday, May 16, 2013

Alzheimer's diseaseIt should come as no great surprise to those following a natural diet and healthy lifestyle that the foods we eat and the environment in which we live directly influence our risk of developing many chronic illnesses, degree of aging and ultimately, lifespan. Although considered by many to be a normal part of the aging process, dementia, and specifically Alzheimer’s disease, is not a natural progression as we get older and is largely the product of the type of foods we eat over the course of many decades of life.

While many environmental factors contribute to disease progression, diet remains the most influential cofactor in the development of memory and personality-robbing diseases. Researchers from theUniversity of Alabama report the results of a study suggesting that the Mediterranean diet, emphasizing foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, chicken and salad dressing, and avoiding saturated fats, meat and dairy foods, may be linked to preserving memory and thinking abilities.

Following a Mediterranean diet slashes memory loss and cognitive decline by nearly 20 percent

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The Six Healthiest Foods You’re Not Eating

NaturalNews May 14 2013


Face it – most people aren’t really eating the things they should, engorging themselves on food types that should be avoided at all costs. Considering the wide array of processed foods today, it is kind of hard to avoid eating any of these. For those who are currently planning to live a healthier lifestyle, following are six of the healthiest food types you’re probably not eating but should:


Guava is one of the healthiest fruits today that can be found in most stores. This particular fruit has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system against common types of colds. Not only that, the guava actually contains more potassium than the banana, specifically 63 percent more. It also contains the antioxidant lycopene which helps flush out toxins from the body. When eaten on a routine basis, guava is believed to help in preventing prostate cancer.

Frozen blueberries

It’s true that fresh blueberries provide the best vitamins and minerals, but getting them is really impractical. Instead, you can simply purchase frozen blueberries that are luckily available for the whole year. They can be served as a shake or yogurt, providing you with a healthy dose of antioxidants, and they are very high in dietary fiber too, which may prevent weight gain by providing calories that are not absorbed and displacing high-calorie refined foods.


Lots of people seem to forget cabbage in favor of other green and leafy vegetables such as lettuce. What most people don’t realize is that this vegetable is jam packed with nutrients that can fight cancer.

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6 Foods And Herbs For Arthritis And Other Inflammatory Pain

NaturalSociety April 13 2013

We’ve been conditioned to accept pharmaceutical prescriptions from doctors or to buy over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals for pain relief. Some prescriptions can be addictive and all of them have unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous side effects. Many of these drugs are taken to treat some type of inflammatory-related pain, especially that stemming from arthritis. But there are plenty of foods and herbs that can be taken or used to relieve this arthritic, inflammatory-related pain.

Risks of Over-the-Counter Medications

In addition to the massive list of side-effects accompanying prescription drugs, OTC drugs have their issues as well. Ibuprofen, used in brands like Advil, is an NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Although short term minor side-effects are similar to most other OTC drugs, long-term side effects of NSAIDs cause over 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths annually, according to a study on NSAIDs causing severe intestinal damage.

Products like Tylenol contain acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is taboo for anyone with liver issues because it does cause liver damage. There have been several suicide attempts from ingesting massive amounts of Tylenol or generic acetaminophen products. Acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure death, according to a 2005 medpage report.

Aspirin has another set of issues including severe gastrointestinal inflammation and eventually strokes after long term use. So why not look into some less expensive food and herbal non-toxic solutions to ease the pain?

Helpful Herbs

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7 Natural Brain Foods For Cognition And Concentration

Natural Society February 14 2013

CognitionIf you have ever had problems concentrating, you know how extremely frustrating it is to get anything done. As we age, it seems to be more and more difficult to keep our thoughts collected or even remember where we put our keys. This may be a part of the aging process to some degree, but diet and lifestyle certainly has a lot to do with it as well. Luckily, there are several brain foods that you can include in your daily diet to boost cognitive function, boost concentration, and slow down brain decline.

Here are 7 foods to eat for better cognition, concentration, and for overall brain preservation.

1. Brain Foods – Walnuts

Interestingly enough, walnuts actually resemble small brains. Perhaps this is a clue that we should eat them. A study conducted in the 2007 found that a diet including more than 2% walnuts was able to reverse brain aging, including age related motor and cognitive defects. Walnuts are rich in antioxidants which fight against free radical damage to the brain cell’s DNA.

2. and 3. Coffee and Dark Chocolate

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