Five Must-Have Winter Rescue Natural Remedies

Natural News | December 7 2013

Winter vegetables

Along with all the holiday festivities and togetherness come equal exposure to stress and sickness. Demands on our time, our pocketbook and yes, even our waistline. In the name of celebration, many people succumb this time of year to eating fewer nutritious foods and more junk foods. And when the body must dedicate its precious resources to breaking down those ingested toxins, is it really any wonder that it becomes more vulnerable to attack?

Though Natural News readers are likely already better armed than most with the nutritional education necessary to protect against cold and flu so prevalent this time of year – and without the need for dangerous flu shots – should you find yourself wanting a little extra immune support, look no further than those provided by nature in its infinite wisdom.


Say what you will about “garlic breath,” but the property responsible for that infamously strong odor (allicin) is the very same one that makes garlic so effective at fighting off harmful bacteria (like strep and staph) and fungi; plus, fresh garlic has demonstrated anti-viral properties as well. Garlic is rich in antioxidants and selenium and helpful in clearing mucous from the lungs, making it particularly useful in treating upper respiratory infections. If you enjoy garlic and onion together, don’t be shy about a pairing, as both contain sulfur-bearing compounds which make them excellent at strengthening the immune system and supporting white cell function.


Carrots are natural infection-fighters. Packed with beta carotene and other carotenoids, this root vegetable supports the immune system by helping to increase the body’s production of natural killer (NK) cells and T-cells, which the body requires to defend against infectious disease and foreign invaders. Drinking your carrots, in the form of fresh juice, may actually increase your uptake of beta carotene. If you’re suffering from a cough, carrot juice can help to prevent the vitamin A deficiency that might be compromising your airways.


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4 Ancient Superfoods And Their Timeless Benefits

Natural Society | October 3 2012

Though the term “super food” has only been in circulation in recent years, the idea of super-nutritious and life giving foods have been around since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, it’s likely that ancient man had a far better idea of what true superfoods are than what we gather as we wade through aisles of cans and boxes, seeking out those things that are in their most natural forms. Still, today anyone can compile a hefty superfoods list for the next shopping day.

Ancient Superfoods for Your Superfoods List

There are foods that have been around for centuries, even millennia. And many of these foods are just as good now as they were then. So which foods should be on your superfoods list? Here are some timeless superfoods that you should include in your diet today:

  • Quinoa – You’ve likely heard of it because it’s experienced a growing resurgence in the past few years. But, quinoa has been around for ages. The Incas of South America refer to this food as chisaya mama, or the mother of all grains. It’s high in protein, calcium, and iron, and is very versatile. Cook with herbs and diced veggies or form with legumes and seasonings into veggie patties. Due to it’s high protein content, it is great to help makeup a high protein vegetarian diet, and can be used with natural remedies for hair loss and hair thinning.
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