Lilou Mace Interviews Carmen Froment ~ What The Future Of Humanity Could Be [Video]

Do you wonder where the world is going? Do you feel like the only stability left is change? Why are we here, and where do we go from here?


In What the Future of Humanity Could Be! The Aquarian Team explore key aspects such as politics, economy, education, art, nature, the role of women/motherhood, etc. and bring them under the light of the Initiatic understanding of renowned Initiates, Sages, and great Masters, particularly Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

“If we were to consider key elements of life such as politics, economy, education, art, nature, etc. under the light of the great sages and initiates, we could see the dawning of a Golden Age on earth!”

Carmen Froment is one of the 9 authors composing The Aquarian Team and also the coordinator of the team. Together, they have been studying the teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov for some combined 280 years. A long time student of the Initiatic Tradition, Carmen Froment brings the point of view of the soul and spirit into key aspects of everyday life.  website:

SF Source Lilou Mace  August 29 2014